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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

How developers use the dynamic features of programming languages: the case of smalltalk., , , und . MSR, Seite 23-32. ACM, (2011)Versioning Systems for Evolution Research., und . IWPSE, Seite 155-164. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)How Program History Can Improve Code Completion., und . ASE, Seite 317-326. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Mining Software Repositories with a Collaborative Heuristic Repository., , , , , und . ICSE (NIER), Seite 106-110. IEEE, (2021)Multi-level Method Understanding Using Microprints., , und . VISSOFT, Seite 33-38. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)An Approach to Software Evolution Based on Semantic Change., , und . FASE, Volume 4422 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 27-41. Springer, (2007)Lumière: An Infrastructure for Producing 3D Applications in Smalltalk., , und . FAMOOSr@WCRE, Seite 8-11. (2009)Software analytics for small software companies.. Perspectives on Data Science for Software Engineering, Academic Press, (2016)Polymorphism in the Spotlight: How Developers Use it in Practice., , und . CIbSE, Seite 392-404. Curran Associates, (2014)Requirements Engineering Practices in Very Small Software Enterprises: A Diagnostic Study., , , , und . SCCC, Seite 81-87. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)