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Other publications of authors with the same name

Question-driven explanatory reasoning, , and . Applied Cognitive Psychology, (1996)Children's early text construction - Pontecorvo,C, and . American Journal Of Psychology, (1997)Collaborative Dialogue Patterns in Naturalistic One-to-One Tutoring, , and . Applied Cognitive Psychology, 9 ((c) 2002 Inst. For Sci. Info): 495-522+ (1995)Quantitative discourse psychology, , and . Discourse Processes, (1997)Constructing inferences during narrative text comprehension, , and . Psychological Review, (1994)Question asking during tutoring, and . American Educational Research Journal, (1994)Inferring the Meaning of Verbs from Context, , and . Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, (1998)