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    dotCMS is an enterprise-level open source J2EE/Java Web Content Management System (wCMS). While the dotCMS includes the features you'd expect in a complete CMS, including true separation of content and design and ease of editing, it also includes many features you wouldn't expect such as calendar and events management, e-communications tools and more. Already deployed and tested in numerous institutions and corporations, its open-source platform allows for affordable licensing, control of the source code and the flexibility of on-demand customization. Unlike most open source applications, dotCMS is vendor-backed by dotCMS, Inc., a leader in web development. dotCMS provides a full range of services from comprehensive assessment to creative design and implementation. In fact, we can help you set up dotCMS on your servers, deliver it to you on a custom appliance or host it for you. The power of open source applications is in the numbers -- as the community of dotCMS users increases, so does the growth and capability of this platform. The dotCMS community is active, supportive and contributes back to the dotCMS project regularly. Because of the community, the dotCMS system is built upon real needs of the marketplace, not guesses. Contact us for a live demonstration of dotCMS or take a test drive on your own.
    16 лет назад , @gresch
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