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    A SAGE Publications journal: Education, Educational Research, Administration & Leadership, Educational Researcher: : <strong>Educational Researcher</strong> publishes scholarly articles that come from a wide range of disciplines and are of general significance to the educational research community. The Features section publishes articles that report, synthesize, review, or analyze scholarly inquiry, with emphasis placed on articles that focus on the interpretation, implication, or significance to research work in education. The Research News and Comment section publishes articles that analyze trends, policies, utilization, and controversies concerning educational research. The Book Reviews section carries reviews, scholarly essays, and critiques of works in print and other media by those engaged in disciplined inquiry. AERA Highlights section provides timely news about the field and about AERA, including information on activities, programs, and events and reports and Council minutes of the Association.
    14 лет назад , @yish

    Computing and communication technology continue to make an ever-increasing impact on all aspects of cognition, education and training, from primary to tertiary and in the growing open and distance learning environment. The journal is an established technically-based, interdisciplinary forum for communication in the use of all forms of computing in this socially and technologically significant area of application and will continue to publish definitive contributions to serve as a reference standard against which the current state-of-the-art can be assessed. The Editors welcome any papers on cognition, educational or training systems development using techniques from and applications in any technical knowledge domain: social issues and gender issues; curricula considerations, graphics, simulations, computer-aided design, computer integrated manufacture, artificial intelligence and its applications including intelligent tutoring systems and computer assisted language learning; hypertext and hypermedia; user interfaces to learning systems; management of technological change on campus and in local education; uses of advanced technology information systems, networks, terrestrial and satellite transmissions and distributed processing; and virtual reality in an educational context; state-of-the-art summaries and review articles.
    14 лет назад , @yish

    specific topics of interest to international audiences of educational researchers. Examples of recent Special Issues published in the journal illustrate the breadth of topics that have be included in the journal: 'Students' Perspectives on Learning Environments', Social, Motivational and Emotional Aspects of Learning Disabilities', Epistemological Beliefs and Domain', 'Analyzing Mathematics Classroom Cultures and Practices', and 'Music Education: A site for collaborative creativity.' Please note that proposals for special issues must be in the format described in the Guide for Authors. What can papers/special issues be about? Proposals for special issues and individual papers can be on any contemporary educational topic of international interest. Reports of high quality educational research involving any discipline and methodology will be welcome. The journal's purpose is to enable researchers throughout the world to engage more easily with findings and issues which are relevant to their own interests. The research reported does not have to be comparative (in the sense of comparing aspects of education in different countries or cultures); a paper may report research carried out in just one location or cultural setting. But to be eligible for publication, a paper must: • deal with a topic which is of interest to a substantial international audience of educational researchers • explain the research in a way which will be comprehensible to an international audience of researchers • draw out explicitly in a discussion of the research those issues or themes which are likely to have international relevance. As well as papers which report the findings of empirical research, papers which review research on specific educational topics of international interest will also be welcome.
    14 лет назад , @yish

    As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-refereed journal, Learning and Instruction provides a platform for the publication of the most advanced scientific research in the areas of learning, development, instruction and teaching. The journal welcomes original empirical investigations. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. They may refer to any age level, from infants to adults and to a diversity of learning and instructional settings, from laboratory experiments to field studies. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of learning and instruction.
    14 лет назад , @yish

    Among education journals, Cognition and Instruction's distinctive niche is rigorous study of foundational issues concerning the mental, socio-cultural, and mediational processes and conditions of learning and intellectual competence. For these purposes, both “cognition” and “instruction” must be interpreted broadly. The journal preferentially attends to the “how” of learning and intellectual practices. A balance of well-reasoned theory and careful and reflective empirical technique is typical. Representative topics include: Design experiments: Investigation of design principles for, implementation and functioning of innovative contexts for learning, including those made possible by new technologies. The development and nurturing of interest and identity. Teaching preparation and performance, including cultural and institutional aspects. The nature of knowledge and meta-knowledge in the breadth of school subjects. The relations between in- and out-of-school knowledge and performance. Skilled performance in professional contexts. Classroom and broader cultural practices fostering equitable access to learning. Old and new literacies; the role of representation in individual and communal thought. Well-motivated theoretical innovation; the development and study of empirical methods. Research at multiple levels and involving multiple methods is welcomed.
    14 лет назад , @yish

    The Review of Educational Research (RER, quarterly, begun in 1931; approximately 640 pp./volume year) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research. RER encourages the submission of research relevant to education from any discipline, such as reviews of research in psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, political science, economics, computer science, statistics, anthropology, and biology, provided that the review bears on educational issues. RER does not publish original empirical research unless it is incorporated in a broader integrative review. RER will occasionally publish solicited, but carefully refereed, analytic reviews of special topics, particularly from disciplines infrequently represented.
    14 лет назад , @yish
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