"Der Markt für Suchmaschinen schien längst aufgeteilt, als eine kleine Firma namens Google ihn von hinten aufrollte. Seitdem versuchte der Konzern das Kunststück immer wieder - nicht selten mit Erfolg. Sein Geld verdient er noch immer fast vollständig mit Online-Werbung. Wie innovationsfähig ist der Suchmaschinengigant heute noch?"
CDF Services for Internet Retailers
As the largest Book wholesaler in the world and the fastest-growing DVD and Music distributor in the United States, Baker & Taylor is your first call for website fulfillment. Baker & Taylor has been an integral part of the internet bookselling business since its inception and offers the most sophisticated infrastructure and CDF systems to all of our internet retail customers. We are dedicated to helping Internet Retailers capitalize on emerging business opportunities by providing behind-the-scenes, back room operations to complement your company's front-end sales and online marketing presence.
One night five developers, all of whom wore very thick glasses and had recently been hired by Elephants, Inc., the world’s largest purveyor of elephants and elephant supplies, were familiarizing themselves with the company’s order processing system wh