
Recognising Birth Children as Social Actors in the Foster-Care Process: Retrospective Accounts from Biological Children of Foster-Carers in Ireland | The British Journal of Social Work


While a wealth of literature exists on the topic of fostering, limited research has been published on the experiences of the biological children of foster-carers (Younes and Harp, 2007; Sutton and Stack, 2013). Literature that exists identifies increased recognition of the importance of birth children’s contribution to successful foster-care placements and the prevention of placement breakdown (Kalland and Sinkonnen, 2001; Hojer et al., 2013). This paper reports findings from an interpretivist study that explored the retrospective experiences of fifteen adult birth children of foster-carers (aged between eighteen and twenty-eight years) in Ireland. To read the full article, log in using your NHS OpenAthens details


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