
Cognition and Instruction


Among education journals, Cognition and Instruction's distinctive niche is rigorous study of foundational issues concerning the mental, socio-cultural, and mediational processes and conditions of learning and intellectual competence. For these purposes, both “cognition” and “instruction” must be interpreted broadly. The journal preferentially attends to the “how” of learning and intellectual practices. A balance of well-reasoned theory and careful and reflective empirical technique is typical. Representative topics include:

Design experiments: Investigation of design principles for, implementation and functioning of innovative contexts for learning, including those made possible by new technologies. The development and nurturing of interest and identity. Teaching preparation and performance, including cultural and institutional aspects. The nature of knowledge and meta-knowledge in the breadth of school subjects. The relations between in- and out-of-school knowledge and performance. Skilled performance in professional contexts. Classroom and broader cultural practices fostering equitable access to learning. Old and new literacies; the role of representation in individual and communal thought. Well-motivated theoretical innovation; the development and study of empirical methods. Research at multiple levels and involving multiple methods is welcomed.




  • @yish

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