
PSE: gPROMS for Advanced Process Modeling, Simulation and Optimization


gPROMS is an equation-oriented modelling system used for building, validating and executing first-principles models within a flowsheeting framework. Models are constructed in the gPROMS ModelBuilder by writing down the fundamental chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, operating procedures and other relationships that govern the process or product behaviour. The resulting model is then validated against observed data — typically, laboratory, pilot plant or operating data — to adjust model parameters such as heat transfer coefficients to match reality as closely as possible. Of course, you don't need to create a model from scratch every time – you can use one of the many state-of-the-art gPROMS model libraries, or create your own library for publishing throughout your organisation. Solution accuracy – for multiple applications The first-principles approach combined with rigorous validation results in models of unprecedented accuracy. Once a model exists, it can be solved in many different ways to perform many different activities – for example, steady-state simulation, dynamic simulation, parameter estimation, model-based experiment design, steady-state and dynamic optimisation, including integer optimisation, or generation of linearised models for use in control and online optimisation, across the process lifecycle. This means that once you have invested in creating an accurate gPROMS model of your process you can use that model wherever it can generate value, to ensure multiple return on investment. PSE ModelCare PSE recognises that creating high-accuracy process models requires expertise in many different domains – chemical engineering, physics, chemistry, hydrodynamics and modelling and numerical solution itself. That is why we provide the ModelCare service. ModelCare aims to help companies deliver fit-for purpose modelling applications rapidly, while transferring modelling know-how to customer organisations.




  • @thorade

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