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    The Curry-Howard correspondence is a mapping between logic and type systems. On the one hand you have logic systems with propositions and proofs. On the other hand you have type systems with types and programs (or functions). As it turns out these two very different things have very similar rules. This article will explore the Curry-Howard correspondence by constructing a proof system using the Haskell type system (how appropriate since Haskell is named after Haskell Curry, the "Curry" in "Curry-Howard"). We'll set up the rules of logic using Haskell types and programs. Then we'll use these rules as an abstract interface to perform some logic profs.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    Epigram is a dependently typed programming language and an interactive programming environment. Epigram has got a type system which is strong enough to express the behaviour of programs, the type checker then guarantees that the program is well behaved. However, you don't have to go as far, you can write ordinary programs and refactor them into more trustworthy, formally checked deliverables -- Epigram supports a pay as you go approach to formal methods. Epigram is freely available this page provides access to downloads of version 1 as source or binaries for the major platforms along with relevant documentation. Development on version 2 is under way we hope this will considerably improve on the first, and details of its current state are available, in the form of a developers' 'blog.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic

    Logically Qualified Data Types, abbreviated to Liquid Types, a system that combines Hindley-Milner type inference with Predicate Abstraction to automatically infer dependent types precise enough to prove a variety of safety properties. Liquid types allow programmers to reap many of the benefits of dependent types, namely static verification of critical properties and the elimination of expensive run-time checks, without manual annotation. We have implemented liquid type inference in Dsolve, which takes as input an Ocaml program and a set of logical qualifiers and infers dependent types for the expressions in the Ocaml program.We describe experiments using Dsolve to statically verify the safety of array accesses on a set of Ocaml benchmarks that were previously annotated as part of the DML project. When used with a simple set of bounds checking qualifiers, Dsolve reduces manual annotation required from 31% of program text to under 1%.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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