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    a year ago by @ijiris

    , , and . International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, 09 (2): 45-49 (May 2023)1 Muhammad Kamran, Muhammad Asif, Zeeshan Ahmed, and H.B. Kekre. Ä Secure and Reliable Face Recognition Based Attendance System Using Block chain." In IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technology (I4CT), pp.1-5.IEEE,2021. 2 P.K.Shukla, S.K.Srivastava, and A.K.Tiwari."Deep Learning Based Face Recognition System for Attendance Management." In IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information & Communication Technology (RTEICT), pp.466-470.IEEE,2021 3 S.A. Hameed, Zeeshan Ahmed, and H.B. Kekre. "Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition for Attendance Systems." In IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technology (I4CT),pp.1-5.IEEE,2021. 4 Muhammad Asif, Zeeshan Ahmed, H.B. Kekre, and A.R. Naseer. Ä Survey of Face Recognition Techniques for Attendance System." In IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communication and Control Technology (I4CT),pp.1-5.IEEE,2020. 5 H.B.Kekre, S.R.Patil, and D.S. Dharaskar.Än Accurate and Efficient Face Recognition Based Attendance System." In IEEE International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI),pp.2265-2269.IEEE,2020. 6 E Varadharajan , R Dharani , S.Jeevitha, B Kavinmathi, S. Hemalatha “ Automatic Attendance Management system using face detection” at 2020 Department of InformationTechnology. 7 Shreyak Sawhney, Karan Kacker, Samayak Jain, Shailendra Narayan ,Rakesh Garg“Real Time Smart Attendance system using face recognition techniques “ in international conference on cloud computing data science and engineering 2019.
    a year ago by @ijiris

    , , , and . International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, 09 (2): 39-44 (May 2023)1. Gas booking system using VB software, Microcontroller and Gas Leakage Detection with SMS by Dr.D.B.Kadam,Sumedha shashikanth patil, Akshay Ananda Kumbhar, Rohit Ankush Tandle. 2. Gas Leakage Detection based on IoT using Raspberry Pi by Deepthi Miriyampalli , Ponnuri Anil Kumar , Abdul Khadir Shaik , Ravichandra Vipparla , Komalphanindra Potineni. 3. LPG Gas Leakage Detection System with GSM Module by Alan M John , Bhavesh Purbia , Ankit Sharma , Mrs. A.S Udapurkar. 4. Gas Leakage Detection Using GSM Module & Arduino with SMS Alert by Mr. Sivaprasad Lebaka, M. Ganga Rami Reddy,K. Devi Priya, N.V. Charan, N.V. Charan. 5. Gas Leakage Detection, prediction & Alert System Using Raspberry Pi & cloud computing by Pranav Mani Tripathi, Saket Kumar, Saksham Kumar, Veeresh Bhalke , Prof. Vidyashree K. 6. IoT Gas Leakage Detector and Warning Generator by Bader Farhan Alshammari , Muhammad Tajammal Chughtai. 7. J.Ding, J.Wang, N.Yuan, and Q.Pan, “The Monitoring System of Leakage Accidents in Crude Oil Pipeline based on Zigbee Technology”, IEEE Changzhou University.
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    , , , , and . International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, 09 (2): 28-38 (May 2023)1 M. Fernando and J. Wijayanayaka, "Low cost approach for real time sign language recognition," 2013 IEEE 8th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, 2013, pp. 637-642, 2 M. Z. Islam, M. S. Hossain, R. ul Islam and K. Andersson, "Static Hand Gesture Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network with Data Augmentation," 2019 Joint 8th International Conference on Informatics, Electronics & Vision (ICIEV) and 2019 3rd International Conference on Imaging, Vision & Pattern Recognition (icIVPR), 2019, pp. 324-329, 3 E. Kaya and T. Kumbasar, "Hand Gesture Recognition Systems with the Wearable Myo Armband," 2018 6th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information Technology (CEIT), 2018, pp. 1-6, 4 Lesha Bhansali and Meera Narvekar. Gesture Recognition to Make Umpire Decisions. International Journal of Computer Applications 148(14):26-29, August 2016. 5 Suvarna Nandyal and Suvarna Laxmikant Kattimani 2021 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2070 012148 6 Y. Madhuri, G. Anitha. and M. Anburajan., "Vision- based sign language translation device," 2013 International Conference on Information Communication and Embedded Systems (ICICES), 2013, pp. 565-568, 7 Nusirwan Anwar bin Abdul Rahman, Kit Chong Wei and John See Faculty of Information Technology, Multimedia University. 8 Moin, A., Zhou, A., Rahimi, A. et al. A wearable biosensing system with in-sensor adaptive machine learning for hand gesture recognition. Nat Electron 4, 54–63 (2021). 9 Ravi, H. Venugopal, S. Paul and H. R. Tizhoosh, Ä Dataset and Preliminary Results for Umpire Pose Detection Using SVM Classification of Deep Features," 2018 IEEE SymposiumSeries on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2018, pp. 1396-1402, 10 M. A. Shahjalal, Z. Ahmad, R. Rayan and L. Alam, Än approach to automate the scorecard in cricket with computer vision and machine learning," 2017 3rd International Conference on Electrical Information and Communication Technology (EICT), 2017, pp. 1-6,
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    , , , , and . International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, 09 (2): 21-27 (May 2023)1. Currency Recognition system using Image Processing. SANDEEP KUMAR CHAUBEY Andrew S. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1995. 2. A Survey on Indian Currency Note Denomination Recognition System. Aruna Manpreet Bagga, Dr.Baljit Singh. 1995. 3. Dr. Baljith Singh, Aruna D H Indian currency note denomination system. 4. Ms. Monali Patil, Prof. Jayant Adhikari Detection of fake currency using digital image processing. 5. Arun Anoop M, Dr K.E. Kannammal Fake currency detection 6. Vidhi Roy and Sushanth Patil Fake Currency detection using image processing. 7. M. Deborah and Soniya Prathap Detection of Fake currency using edge detection. 8. Akash Rana, Avinash Kumar and Shivam Kumar Jha Detection of fake currency using machine learning technique. 9. Mayadevi, A. Gaikwad, Vaijinath, V. Bhosle and Vaibhav Currency note feature extraction. 10. Brinda M Object Detection using Haar-Like Feature Extraction..
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    , , , , and . International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, 9 (2): 10-14 (May 2023)1. Adler, A.; Schuckers, S. Biometric vulnerabilities, overview. In Encyclopedia of Biometrics; Li, S.Z., Jain, A., Eds.; Springer: Boston, MA, USA, 2009. 2. Nguyen, H.T. Fingerprints Classification through Image Analysis and Machine Learning Method. Algorithms 2019, 12, 241. 3. Biometric Systems Lab—FVC2000: Fingerprint Verification Competition. Available online: FVC2000 ( on 22 January 2021). 4. Tang, Y.; Gao, F.; Feng, J. Latent fingerprint minutia extraction using fully convolutional network. In Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics, Denver, CO, USA, 1–4 October 2017; pp. 117–123. 5. Huang, X.; Qian, P.; Liu, M. Latent fingerprint image enhancement based on progressive generative adversarial network. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, Seattle, WA, USA, 14–19 June 2020; pp. 3481–3489. 6. Neurotechnology Company—Sample Fingerprint Databases. Available online: Download biometric algorithm demo software, SDK trials, product brochures. ( on 22 January 2021). 7. Fingerprint Image identification for crime detection (2019) Fingerprint Image Identification for Crime Detection | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
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    , , , and . International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, 9 (2): 07-09 (May 2023)1 Iqra Nissar; Waseem Ahmad Mir; Izharuddin; Tawseef Ayoub Shaikh.” Machine Learning Approaches for Detection and Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease”. 2021 IEEE. 2 Pooja Raundale; Chetan Thosar; Shardul Rane.” Prediction of Parkinson’s disease and severity of the disease using Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithm”.2021 IEEE. 3 Son V T Dao “An Analysis of Vocal Features for Parkinson’s Disease Classification Using Evolutionary Algorithms” 2022. 4 Mohammed S Islam “Parkinson’s Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning” 2020..
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    2 years ago by @ijiris

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    , , and . IJIRIS:: International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, Volume VII (Issue VI): 53-57 (June 2020)1. M. A. Rafique, W. Pedrycz, and M. Jeon, “Vehicle license plate detection using region-based convolutional neural networks,” Soft Computing,2018, Vol. 22, No. 19, pp. 6429-6440. 2. Y. N. Chen, C. C. Han, G. F. Ho, and K. C. Fan, “Facial/License Plate Detection Using a Two-level Cascade Classifier and a Single Convolutional Feature Map,” International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2015, Vol. 12, No. 12, pp. 183-198. 3. C. Gerber, and M. Chung, “Number Plate Detection with a Multi- Convolutional Neural Network Approach with Optical Character Recognition for Mobile Devices,” Journal of Information Processing Systems, 2016, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 100-108. 4. Y. Yuan, W. Zou, Y. Zhao, X. Wang, X. Hu, and N. Komodakis, “A Robust and Efficient Approach to License Plate Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2017, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 1102-1114. 5. W. Zhou, H. Li, Y. Lu, and Q. Tian, “Principal Visual Word Discovery for Automatic License Plate Detection,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2012, Vol. 21, No. 9, pp. 4269-4279. 6. B. Li, B. Tian, Y. Li, and D. Wen, “Component-Based License Plate Detection Using Conditional Random Field Model,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2013, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 1690-1699. 7. R. F. Prates, G. C. Chavez, W. R. Schwartz, and D. Menotti, “Brazilian License Plate Detection Using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and Sliding Windows,” International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology, 2013, Vol 5, No 6, pp. 39-52. 8. R. Wang, N. Sang, R. Huang, and Y. Wang, "License plate detection using gradient information and cascade detectors,” Optik, 2014, Vol. 125, No. 1, pp. 186-190. 9. A. M. Ghaili, S. Mashohor, A. R. Ramli, and A. Ismail, “Vertical-Edge-Based Car-License-Plate Detection Method,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2013, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 26-38. 10. J. Tian, G. Wang, J. Liu, and Y. Xia, “License plate detection in an open environment by density-based boundary clustering,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, 2017, Vol. 26. No. 3, PP. 330171-3301711. 11. Anagnostopoulos, C., Anagnostopoulos, I., Loumos, V., Kayafas, E.: License plate-recognition from still images and video sequences: A survey. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 9(3), 377–391 (2008) 12. Jia, W., Zhang, H., He, X.: Region-based License Plate Detection. J. Network and comput. Applications 30(4), 1324–1333 (2007) 13. Wang, S., Lee, H.-J.: A cascade framework for a real-time statistical plate recognition system. IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Security 2(2), 267–282 (2007) 14. Anagnostopoulos, C., Anagnostopoulos, I., Loumos, V., Kayafas, E.: A License Plate-Recognition Algorithm for Intelligent Transportation System Applications. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 7(3), 377–392 (2006) 15. Zheng, D., Zhao, Y., Wang, J.: An Efficient Method of License Plate Location. Pattern Recognit. Lett. 26(15), 2431–2438 (2005) 16. Chang, S., Chen, L.-S., Chung, Y.-C., Chen, S.-W.: Automatic License Plate Recognition. IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 5(1), 42–53 (2004) 17. Deb, K., Chae, H.-U., Jo, K.-H.: Parallelogram and Histogram based Vehicle License Plate Detection. In: IEEE ICSMA, pp. 349–353. IEEE Press, New York (2008).
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    , , and . IJIRIS:: International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security, Volume VII (Issue IV): 48-52. (June 2020)1. Be My Eyes: Android Voice Application for Visually Impaired People by RuchaDoiphode, MayuriGanore, AshwiniGarud, TejaswiniGhuge, Parminder Kaur (Guide) Department Of Computer Science Engineering Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Jawaharlal Nehru Engineering College, Aurangabad, India 2. A new Android application for blind and visually impaired people by PiotrKardyś, Adam Dąbrowski Division of Signal Processing and Electronic Systems Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland. 3. P.Kardyś,A.Dąbrowski,“Standard Bluetooth Natlebezprzewodowy chsystemów telekomunikacy jnychkrót kiegozasięgu w aplikacjach bio-itelemedycznych”, Elektronika 52 (5), 5/2011, pp. 56–59. 4. R. E. Sorace, V. S. Reinhardt, and S. A. Vaughn, “High-speed digital-to-RF converter,” U.S. Patent 5 668 842, Sept. 16, 1997. (2002) The IEEE website. Online. Available:
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