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    OBIS-USA is a one-stop source for biogeographic data collected from U.S. waters and oceanic regions-the Arctic, the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Great Lakes. It provides access to highly distributed data sets from a multitude of partners DOCUMENTing where and when species were observed or collected. The site allows one to examine each data set to assess its applicability for a variety of uses. Current functionality allows the user to view the data and FGDC compliant metadata as well as to view geographic, temporal or spatial extent; the taxonomic depth and richness.
    12 years ago by @jaj

    Nearly 90,000 high resolution scans of the more than 200,000 historical USGS topographic maps, some dating as far back as 1884, are now available on-line from the US Geological Survey. The Historical Topographic Map Collection includes published U.S. topographic maps of all scales and editions, and are offered as a georeferenced digital download or as a printed copy from the USGS Store.
    12 years ago by @jaj
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