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    Bored pile foundation is the foundation pillar in tubular function continue building load into the surface tanah.This Function same foundation as the host of others are on the way pilling Otherwise the procces.bored piles start with boring land before reaching the desired depth, then the installation of steel reinforcement extended with concrete casting. There are several types of devices and systems working bored piles, but basically the same, between her: Pile 1.Bored mini crane With these tools can be implemented with the option of drilling diameter 30 cm, 40 cm, 50 cm, 60 cm and 80 cm.Biasanya boring wet system (wet drilling) .dibutuhkan enough water to support the implementation of the work Pile 2.Bored Gawangan The only difference with the mini crane alatnya form only Pile 3.Bored Manual Or Strauss Pile Tools strauss pile is a labor user to rotate the eye bornya.Alat simple, concise and easy to operate and does not make noise when working in this way are used in various projects such as housing, factories, warehouses, fences dll.kekuranganya limited selection that is only 20 cm in diameter , 25 cm, 30 cm and 40 cm.tentu only because it relates to the actuating force is only in this way many manusia.Jadi energy used for buildings that are not so heavy.
    10 years ago by @teguhsatria
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