
We investigate in a series of laboratory experiments how costs and benefits of linguistic commun ication affect the emergence of simple languages in a coordination task when no common language is available in the beginning. The experiment involved pairwise computerized communication between 152 subjects involved in at least 60 rounds. The subjects had to develop a common code referring to items in varying lists of geo metrical figures distinguished by up to three features. A code had to be made of a limited repertoire of let ters. Using letters had a cost. We are interested in the question of whether a common code is developed, and what enhances its emergence. Furthermore, we explore the emergence of compositional, protogrammatical struc ture in such codes. We compare environments that differ in terms of available linguistic resources (number o f letters available) and in terms of stability of the task environment (variability in the set of figures). Our experiments show that a too small repertoire of letters causes coordination failures. Cost efficiency an d role asymmetry are important factors enhancing communicative success. In stable environments, grammars do not seem to matter much, and instead efficient arbitrary codes often do better. However, in an environment w ith novelty, compositional grammars offer considerable coordination advantages and therefore are more likely to arise.

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