Although term extraction has been researched for more than 20 years, only a few studies focus on under-resourced languages. Moreover, bilingual term mapping from comparable corpora for these languages has attracted researchers only recently. This paper presents methods for term extraction, term tagging in documents, and bilingual term mapping from comparable corpora for four under-resourced languages: Croatian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Romanian. Methods described in this paper are language independent as long as language specific parameter data is provided by the user and the user has access to a part of speech or a morpho-syntactic tagger.
South African linguist George Poulos, who has specialized in the study of the phonetics of African languages, has found clues in the evolution of the human mouth to the origins of human language. A South African of Greek descent, he is now Professor Emeritus at the University of South Africa.
This article touches upon the problem of inequalities in academia resulting from neoliberal capitalism and existing publishing policy and discusses its possible consequences. Building on the author’s own experiences as a researcher working on linguistic minorities and as an academic administrator, it explores how power relations work in parts of the scientific world situated on the peripheries of the Western “centre” – via the neoliberal economy, access to funding and international recognition. Publishing in high-status, English-language journals requires “non-centre” academics to adopt Western conventions of publishing, including in the style of reasoning, the structure of the text, and preferring references from the Anglo-American academic tradition. Only by complying can such researchers secure a place in academia and further their careers. However difficult it may be, the author argues, the hegemony of Western-model knowledge construction may only be questioned from inside, by the “centre” academics.
uly 16, 2019: "Elon Musk’s Neuralink, the secretive company developing brain-machine interfaces, showed off some of the technology it has been developing to the public for the first time. The goal is to eventually begin implanting devices in paraplegic humans, allowing them to control phones or computers.
24 April 2019 Nature "News and views": A brain–computer interface device synthesizes speech using the neural signals that control lip, tongue, larynx and jaw movements, and could be a stepping stone to restoring speech function in individuals unable to speak. A brain–computer interface synthesizes speech using neural signals.
"GPT-3 is the latest and greatest in the AI world, achieving state-of-the-art in a range of tasks. Its main breakthrough is eliminating the need for task-specific fine-tuning. In terms of size, the model drastically scales up once again, reaching 175 billion parameters, or 116x the size of its predecessor."
In 2017, researchers asked: Could AI write most code by 2040? OpenAI’s GPT-3, now in use by beta testers, can already code in any language. Machine-dominated coding is almost at our doorstep. GPT-3…
Näyttely Turussa 2007, toteutettu yhdessa Pernajan Agricola-seuran kanssa. "Kohtelemme Mikael Agricolaa kuin suurmiestä. Hän eli ajassaan myös arkisempaa turkulaismiehen elämää; söi, joi, opiskeli, työskenteli. Hänellä oli perhe ja työtovereita. Aboa Vetuksen teemanäyttely Sanojensa mittainen mies kertoo Mikael Olavinpoika Agricolan elämästä."
Alla språk likställs när Fittja biblioteket öppnar sina dörrar nästa vecka. Istället för egna hyllor för böcker på andra språk än svenska sorteras nu böckerna efter teman och språken blandas på hyllan. – Ett helt unikt system för Botkyrka, säger bibliotekarien Pethra Öster.
Forskrift om målbruk i offentleg teneste; 25%-regeln: "§ 6.For tilfang etter § 8 første ledd i lova vil ei rimeleg kvantitativ fordeling seie at ingen av dei to målformene skal vere representert med mindre enn 25 %." (Norsk Lovdata)
T. Yuan, G. Li, J. Lu, C. Liu, L. Li, and J. Xue. 2021 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO), page 187-199. Los Alamitos, CA, USA, IEEE Computer Society, (March 2021)
S. Rodriguez, N. Gaud, and S. Galland. the 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology, Warsaw, Poland, IEEE Computer Society Press, (2014)