
Conductor management is an efficient way to reduce electromagnetic fields (EMF) directly at the source, acting on the geometry of the cables that generate the resulting field. In the case of multiple circuits, the phase sequence becomes relevant and must be taken into account from the early design step of the system. At the previous EMF-ELF conference in 2011, the author presented a paper and tutorial to assess the influence of EMF basic parameters. Typical and more complex configurations were illustrated. Based on this experience, the present paper deals with the maximum magnetic field calculation of further configurations: two-phase circuits, stand-by links, twisted bundled cables. The influence of solid bonding is also discussed, taking into account circulating currents into metallic sheaths or parallel earthing conductors. Recommendations are given for unbalanced circuits or to upgrade two-phase to three-phase systems. The maximum value of exposure of general public is illustrated with a very unfavourable configuration, which would reach 100 μT: reduced depth of cable laying, flat formation with large spacing between cables, high current rating and penalizing phase sequence. This practical exercise shows in what manner conventional cable installations lead to magnetic fields whose magnitude is well under the recommended value. Calculations are performed with a very user-friendly software application, convenient to search automatically the optimal arrangement of multiple circuits, to plot visual results of analysis of sensitivity to one parameter, or to compare alternative technical solutions. The application has become an actual tool of e-learning for the cable engineer.

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