
Deliberating the Irish language in Northern Ireland: from conflict to multiculturalism?

Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 31 (3): 253--270 (2010)
DOI: 10.1080/01434632.2010.481766


The Belfast Agreement (1998) contains a clause on respect and tolerance for linguistic diversity in Northern Ireland (NI). It is unsurprising that this clause was included given the role of Irish – and Ulster Scots – in identity politics in the region. The call for respect for NI's languages can therefore be seen as a type of conflict management. Renewed powersharing through consociational arrangements points to a relatively successful peace process, while inward migration has greatly increased in recent years. NI's sociocultural landscape has diversified to such a degree that respect for linguistic diversity should no longer be viewed solely as a means of reconciliation between just two communities; it can be treated as a move towards overall multiculturalism in the region. Yet language issues remain divisive, recently highlighted by the rejection of legislative protection for the Irish language. This article examines current attitudes towards linguistic diversity in NI, with reference to the comprehensive Northern Ireland Languages Strategy and the ongoing dispute over Irish. Viewed through the prism of linguistic diversity, it suggests that the basic consociational arrangements be re-thought to include a deliberative democratic model for language planning, in the long-term path from conflict management to multiculturalism



  • @inmamolu

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