
Der Beitrag der Informatik zur Musikwirtschaftsforschung

глава Chapter 6, стр. 97-116. Springer, Wiesbaden, Germany, (2018)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-19399-7_6


This article takes the computer science perspective on music business research. It outlines the object of knowledge at the core this perspective and discusses the set of available methodological instruments. Thereby, this work substantiates that the computer science perspective on music business research has both a descriptive as well as a normative objective, including also the design and evaluation of artefacts in the real world setting of music business. In a deep discussion, this work exemplifies problems and research questions that the computer science perspective on music business research is confronted with. Concrete examples for research fields are (i) music recommender systems, (ii) improvement in skills to use technology, and (iii) monitoring and reporting of digital music consumption.


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  • @bauerc

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