
Intelligent Cooking Providing Automatic Time and Temperature Setting using Image Processing with Wide Range of Recipes for Microwave Ovens

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International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 2 (1): 11-16 (December 2013)


In this, accurate automatic cooking is done using Image Processing. Automatic cooking means time and temperature will be set automatically at fly time. It involves comparing images of cooked food and food currently being cooked. No need to decide the preset timing. This software can be used in microwaves and ovens. Component detection algorithms and Image processing algorithms will be used. Input and output will be images like photographs or frames of video. Images will be treated as 2D signals and signal processing techniques will be applied. Both hardware and software components will be used. Feedback from oven can be taken into a webcam and videos will be converted into frames of images at runtime. Here we are certain about the exact image which will be our input. This is the main advantage over fuzzy logic where in we get approximate input rather than an exact input. It is effective in time and speed. It is efficient and user friendly. We will have a wide number of recipes in our database.



  • @ijisme_beiesp

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    3 years ago (last updated 3 years ago)
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