
Career Strategies for women in academe by Lynn H. Collins, Joan C. Chrisler, and Kathryn Quina, editors (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1998)

Journal of Higher Education, 72 (1): 101-103 (2001)Advice for women on advancement in academia..


Book Review: "The book is geared toward helping women find "new armor" in their battle for career advancement. In particular, in order to get tenure or assume positions of leadership, women need to adopt their own strategies, not simply adopt those that have been traditionally used by men. Further, in order to promote women's individual and group success, women must work with other women, not against, as Athena might have done. The book is organized into four sections. The first three chapters focus on the current standing of women faculty in higher education with respect to status, salary, and other conditions of employment. The next three chapters provide perspectives on how women are perceived in various faculty roles, and what they might do to counteract those perceptions. The next two chapters discuss the challenges to leadership faced by faculty women. Finally, the last two chapters summarize strategies women can adopt to protect themselves from discrimination and improve the overall climate for women faculty. Most chapters conclude with one or two vignettes that provide personal accounts of the experiences of individual women faculty.


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