
Self-determined learning: Designing for heutagogic learning environments

Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, Springer, (2016)


Heutagogy, or the study of self-determined learning, has been rapidly gaining interest within the field of education as a response to the market demand for creative and competent employees who can adapt quickly to continuously changing, complex workplace environments. Heutagogy, which can be viewed as extension of pedagogy and andragogy, is based on the principles of human agency (learner-centeredness), capability, self-reflection and metacognition (double-loop learning or learning to learn), and nonlinear teaching and learning. When combined with today’s technology, heutagogy offers a holistic framework for teaching and learning that supports development of self-determined, autonomous learners and provides a basis for creating holistic, learner-centered education environments. This chapter describes heutagogy, its principles, elements, and theoretical basis, as well as provides a review of the research and applications of heutagogy within different educational levels, from grade school to lifelong learning. In addition, the chapter gives guidance for instructors who want to design for heutagogy in the classroom and provides examples for integrating technological tools that support self-determined learning.



  • @yish

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