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Transmission dynamics and underreporting of Kala-azar in the Indian state of Bihar, , , , , , and . Journal of Theoretical Biology, 262 (1): 177-185 (2010)Ayurvedic heritage of J & K: a review of Sri Ranbira Cikitsa Sudha Sara, , and . Bulletin of the Indian Institute for History of Medicine, Hyderabad, 31 (2): 133--8 (2001)Internet of Things Energy Efficient Cluster-Based Routing Using Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization for Wireless Sensor Network., , and . Wirel. Pers. Commun., 122 (3): 2603-2619 (2022)Mean first passage time approach to the problem of optimal barrier subdivision for Kramer's escape rate, , and . Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 270 (1-2): 149--158 (Aug 1, 1999)Whole genome shotgun sequencing of Brassica oleracea and its application to gene discovery and annotation in Arabidopsis, , , , , , , , , and . Genome research, 15 (4): 487--95 (2005)Categorization of environmental sounds., , , and . Biol. Cybern., 100 (4): 299-306 (2009)Three-dimensional quasiquantized Hall insulator phase in SrSi$_2$, , , , , , , , , and 8 other author(s). Phys. Rev. B, 106 (4): L041113 (Jul 18, 2022)Observation of the critical state to multiple-type Dirac semimetal phases in KMgBi, , , , , , , , , and 14 other author(s). J. Appl. Phys., 129 (23): 235109 (Jun 21, 2021)Internet of things multi hop energy efficient cluster-based routing using particle swarm optimization., , and . Wirel. Networks, 27 (8): 5207-5215 (2021)Optimal Analysis for Enterprise Financial Management Based on Artificial Intelligence and Parallel Computing Method., , , , , and . IC3I, page 2081-2086. IEEE, (2022)