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    The short answer is that Qi4j is a framework for domain centric application development, including evolved concepts from AOP, DI and DDD. Qi4j is an implementation of Composite Oriented Programming, using the standard Java 5 platform, without the use of any pre-processors or new language elements. Everything you know from Java 5 still applies and you can leverage both your experience and toolkits to become more productive with Composite Oriented Programming today.
    16 years ago by @gresch


    StringTemplate is a java template engine (with ports for C# and Python) for generating source code, web pages, emails, or any other formatted text output. StringTemplate is particularly good at multi-targeted code generators, multiple site skins, and internationalization/localization. It evolved over years of effort developing StringTemplate also generates this website and powers the ANTLR v3 code generator. Its distinguishing characteristic is that it strictly enforces model-view separation unlike other engines. Strict separation makes websites and code generators more flexible and maintainable; it also provides an excellent defense against malicious template authors. There are currently about 600 StringTemplate source downloads a month.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    UJO Framework is a Java library providing non-traditional object architecture different from JavaBeans. The original idea was a toy with generic data types of Java 5.0 however over time it appears, that the architecture has some exciting new features. Features 60.png Revolutionary object architecture based on two interfaces 12.png Performance great performance include a high speed XML serialization 54.png Easy to use short learning, high object reusability, open source 44.png Documentation detailed documentation include samples of code.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Team spirit for objects Building complex systems from isolated objects often yields poor structure which readily decays during system evolution. Objects should team-up in order to co-operate and jointly deliver complex behaviors. Objects play specific roles within a given Team. line Context based dispatch Object behavior is controled by the currently active context of execution. Contexts are reified into Team instances, which may be used to mediate between roles and maintain state of the collaboration. line Modules larger than classes On the road to re-use of modules larger than classes two approaches compete: frameworks and components. For many applications white box frameworks are too fragile and black box components to rigid. Object Teams provide a middle road which balances encapsulation and adaptability. line Key Features of Object Teams * Weaving of aspect code into existing classes (no source code needed). * Teams are modules that encapsulate the interaction of a set of role objects. o Teams can be type-checked in a modular way. o Roles are automatically managed by their enclosing Team instance. * Teams can be refined using inheritance. o Collective refinement of role classes. o Team refinement realizes type-safe covariance of role signatures. * Teams are instantiable first class entities. o Teams are aspects that can be activated/deactivated at run-time. o Roles may refer to their enclosing Team. * Explicit connectors bind an abstract Team definition to a base package. o Binding happens a-posteriori, i.e., no modification in the base package is required. o Team binding is specified in a declarative style. o Bindings may specify different kinds of adaptations. * Object Teams require a minimal number of new language constructs to be learned for a maximum of modularity and composability.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Welcome to Project SocialSite, an open source (CDDL/GPL2) project building Widgets and Web Services that make it easy for you to add social networking features to your existing web sites, including the ability to run OpenSocial Gadgets and have them backed by the same social graph. Here are some of the key features we're developing: * A complete end-to-end user interface for Social Networking in the form of JavaScript widgets that can be embedded into any site (Java, Ruby, PHP-based and more). * A flexible Social Graph repository that can work in a wide variety of social networking scenarios. With configurable profile properties and relationship types. * Comprehensive JavaScript and REST API access to that Social Graph repository: OpenSocial plus conforming extensions. * Scalability via support for running in distributed configuration, table partitioning technologies, master and slave databases and distributed caching.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Oranjestad Spring is a series of helper classes and extensions for use with the Spring Framework. The current extensions are as follows: * Spring Lightweight plugins * External Beans * Listener Based Dependency Injerction
    16 years ago by @gresch

    The main motivation for Super Csv is to be the best, fastest and most programmer friendly free CSV package for Java. Super Csv's unique features raises the bar and sets a new standard for CSV packages. Super Csv is designed around solid Object-oriented principles, and thus aims to leverage your Object-oriented code, making it easier to write and maintain. If you are unsure about what the CSV format is, please read my specification which covers my understanding of the concept: The CSV format specification. Super Csv offers the following features not found together in other CSV packages * The ability to read/write POJO beans, Maps and String lists. * Automatic "CSV encoding" of output on a per need basis. Thus when you write special characters such as , or " Super CSV ensure the content is properly escaped (according to my CSV specification). * The ability to easily convert input/output to integers, dates, big decimals, trimming strings, etc... * The ability to easily verify data conforms to some specification, such as number ranges, string sizes, uniqueness and even optional columns. * The ability to read/write data from anywhere in any encoding. As long as you provide a Reader or a Writer. * Support for Windows, MAC and Linux line breaks. * Configurable separation character, space character and end of line character (for writing files to different platforms) * Operates on streams rather than filenames, enabling you to read/write CSV files e.g. over a network connection. * Supporting partial reading and writing of objects, maps and arrays with easy setting of default values. * Supporting on-the-fly generation implementations of bean interfaces when using the BeanReader When combined, these features enables you to express clear and robust code for handling CSV files.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    CSVObjects is a free and open source Java based framework for transparently parsing and unmarshalling Comma Separated Value (CSV) files and records into Plain Old Java Objects without the need to code the parsing logic manually. The CSVObjects parsing library relies on declarative mapping of CSV fields and data types to Java Bean attributes, via a mapping XML file. This is similar to the manner in which Hibernate provides a relational table mapping for Java Beans. Also, the framework provides convenience Xdoclet support for specifying the CSV to Java mapping in the Java source code itself by using Javadoc markup, thereby reducing the burden on the developer to manually maintain separate configuration files. The Framework is built upon Stephen Ostermiller's excellent CSV reader/parser classes.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    The goal of Simple is to bring the power of simplicity to the world of server side Java. The primary focus of the project is to provide a truly embeddable Java based HTTP engine capable of handling enormous loads. Simple provides a truly asynchronous service model, request completion is driven using an internal, transparent, monitoring system. This allows Simple to vastly outperform most popular Java based servers in a multi-tier environment, as it requires only a very limited number of threads to handle very high quantities of concurrent clients. Simple has consistently out performed both commercial and open source Java Servlet engines and has a fully comprehensive API that is as usable for experienced Java developers as it is for beginners. Best of all, Simple is completely free, and is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, LGPL, which ensures its availability for use by open source and proprietary developers alike.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    ***Main project site in Chinese!*** Pragmatic Enterprise Application KickStart and Common Library Stack. Use Spring Framework as core,provided a enterprise application develop platform and demo the best practice in enterprise application. It use Spring,Hibernate,Struts 2,CXF,Acegi2.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Physhun is a framework for modeling, building and executing processes as Finite State Models in J2SE and J2EE environments. It allow complex processes to be layed out and managed graphically which promotes rapid development and ease of maintenance. Physhun is lightweight enough to run in simple standalone applications, but flexible and powerful enough to be used for orchestration in SOA. Physhun allows processes to be long lived, persistent and transactional. Processes can be purely synchronous, or can be interacted with asynchronously as is common in Workflow processes. The Physhun framework uses the Spring framework, and exposes all of the value added services provided by Spring, including inversion of control (IOC), aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and transaction management. Process control with Physhun is accomplished by defining processes as state models. A state model is defined as a Spring bean, comprised of States, Transitions, Conditions and Actions, all of which are also defined as Spring beans. Actions contain the implementation of the behavior that is executed on state transitions. Similarly, conditions contain the implementation that codifies the conditions that must be met for a state transition to occur. Predefined Actions and Conditions are provided in the Physhun framework and the Physhun-XML packages, or the user can easily define custom Actions and Conditions as necessary. Furthermore, the framework is built in such a way that things like state machine rules, process storage, caching and lookup, etc can be customized and plugged in. State models can be defined programatically, by writing XML defining the state model, or graphically using an editor like freely available Physhun Modeler. Physun Modeler is a free GUI that can be used to graphically define state models. PhyshunModeler software is provided free of charge, but is not open source software.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Welcome to JaValid JaValid is an open source framework for validating your Java business objects. JaValid is licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0. JaValid 1.1-rc1 is the latest release. JaValid is an annotation-based validation framework, which allows you to annotate your Java objects to introduce validation. JaValid can be used in any type of Java application (standalone application, web application etc). The framework currently provides full integration with the Spring Framework, Java Server Faces, Facelets, and any database. The framework can be extended easily, by means of extensions, and allows you to add your own validation constraints in addition to the ones shipping with the framework. The framework is documented well (both the source and the general documentation), so check it out. To learn more, have a look on the documentation page. The source and distributions are hosted on sourceforge, go to the downloads directly here. You may also want to check out the weblog, which contains some useful information, including several examples. Have fun using JaValid!
    16 years ago by @gresch

    TNTConcept is a free software (with source code available) for internal management suitable for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and / or independent professional. We like to define it as a tool for Management of Operational Effectiveness (MOE). TNTConcept provides the functionality required to leave dozens of spreadsheets that we daily use to manage a company, replacing them by a Web application where centrally we can manage all data in a more efficient way, including: * Business Management * Contacts * Offers * Projects * Staff activity * Task scheduling * Cost Control * Billing * Account activities * Periodical account activities * Holidays * Etc.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    This project offers extensions of Spring-Framework and Spring-Modules components, either making existing functionality easier and configurable or providing additional functionalities within the same context. This project complements these two frameworks.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Reverspring is a Java library that allows you to create Spring IoC XML files from POJO at runtime. CoI stands for Control of Inversion: Reverspring just inverts the inversion of control mechanism of Spring Framework, allowing you to (re)write Spring descriptors starting from your Java objects. With Reverspring you can write process descriptors on XML files without re-inventing a new DTD or XML-Schema, but just using the well known Spring IoC syntax.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Gecode/J is a Java interface for the Gecode C++ constraint programming library. It allows you to model and solve constraint problems in Java. explore the search tree with Gist, the Graphical Interactive Search Tool. Either using the built-in depth-first search strategy, or manually and interactively. Solutions and choice nodes can be inspected by clicking on them, and visualized using custom actions. implement propagators in Java. Whether for prototyping, for teaching, or just for fun. The propagators are integrated fully, so in your model you can mix them freely with the built-in propagators provided by Gecode. implement branchings for custom heuristics. Just like propagators, custom branchings fully integrate into Gecode/J. implement search engines using copying and recomputation. As search is fully programmable, you can write your own search engine, e.g. for LDS or A* search. In fact, Gist is implemented entirely in Java using the Gecode/J interface.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Features * (Jointly) visualize o syntactic dependency graphs o semantic dependency graphs (a la CoNLL 2008) o Chunks (such as syntactic chunks, NER chunks, SRL chunks etc.) * Compare gold standard trees to your generated trees (e.g. highlight false positive and negative dependency edges) * Filter trees and visualize only what's necessary, for example o only dependency edges with certain labels o only the edges between certain tokens * Search corpora for sentences with certain attributes using powerful search expressions, for example o search for all sentences that contain the word "vantage" and the pos tag sequence DT NN o search for all sentences that contain false positive edges and the word "vantage" * Reads o CoNLL 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 and 2008 format o Lisp S-Expressions o Malt-Tab format o markov thebeast format * Export to EPS Check this screenshot to get a better idea.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    August 27, 2008: DJ Native Swing 0.9.6 is released. The library is now split into a framework library and its SWT-based implementation. This allows to re-use the Native Swing integration framework for other types of native components.
    16 years ago by @gresch


    Botan is a BSD-licensed crypto library written in C++. It provides a wide variety of cryptographic algorithms, formats, and protocols. It has been considered stable since 2002. The license makes it free for use as part of any commercial or free software without restriction. Those who desire it can also purchase a commercial support contract, or arrange for custom development work. Botan runs on Linux and most Unix systems, MacOS X, and Microsoft Windows. It is written with portability in mind, and has been used on x86, x86-64, IA-64, PowerPC, SPARC, Alpha, MIPS, and ARM processors, with a number of different C++ compilers. The library also includes optional platform-specific modules which provide services such as compression (using zlib or bzip2), entropy gathering, secure memory allocation, and support for hardware crypto devices. It also includes assembly implementations of key algorithms like low level MPI routines and SHA-1 for x86 and x86-64 processors.
    16 years ago by @gresch

publications  22