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    Guest Editors Ilona Buchem, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Germany Isa Jahnke, Umeå University, Sweden Yishay Mor, P.A.U. Education, Spain Dimitris Apostolou, University of Piraeus, Greece Important dates   • Abstract submission: 31 January 2015 • Deadline: 28 February 2015 • Notification to the authors: 30 March 2015 • Camera ready paper: 20 April 2015 • Publication of the special issue: May 2015 Theme and Aims of the Focus Section The focus section is devoted to the innovative uses of social, mobile and wearable technologies for teaching and learning. Specifically, this special issue will explore designs for teaching and designs for learning aiming at enhancing creative teaching and learning with social, mobile and wearable technologies. Creative teaching and learning in this context means teaching and learning how to be creative as well as teaching and learning through creative practice. In other words, we are interested both in the advancement of teaching practice that promote learners’ creativity, and design practices that promote teachers’ creativity. The aim of this focus section is to review and critique examples of current innovative designs, discuss emerging principles and theoretical frameworks which are reflected in these examples, and identify opportunities for future innovations for creative teaching and learning with social, mobile and wearable technologies.
    10 years ago by @yish
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