Paperscape is a tool to visualise the arXiv, an open, online repository for scientific research papers. The Paperscape map currently includes all (non-withdrawn) papers from the arXiv and is updated daily
H. Tajima, and F. Fujisawa. (2020)cite arxiv:2007.00926Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Scientific and Educational Reports of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi University.
M. Lindvall, and J. Molin. (2020)cite arxiv:2001.07455Comment: Accepted for presentation in poster format for the ACM CHI'19 Workshop <Emerging Perspectives in Human-Centered Machine Learning>.
A. Slivkins. (2019)cite arxiv:1904.07272Comment: The manuscript is complete, but comments are very welcome! To be published with Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning.