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    Adaptronik ist eine interdisziplinäre, der Mechatronik artverwandte, sich jedoch von ihr unterscheidende, Wissenschaft. Die Adaptronik befasst sich mit dem Aufbau adaptiver (selbstanpassender), aktiv reagierender mechanischer Struktursysteme. Die in der Adaptronik verwendeten Aktoren werden, anders als in der Mechatronik, direkt in den Kraftfluss integriert und nutzen die elastomechanischen Eigenschaften der verwendeten Materialien aus. Der Begriff Adaptronik ist ein Kunstwort aus adaptiv und Elektronik.
    15 years ago by @cschie

    Kontextadaption ist ein Begriff aus der Softwaretechnik, der verwendet wird, um technische Systeme zu bezeichnen, die ihre Struktur, Funktionalität oder Verhalten zur Laufzeit ändern können, um sich an unterschiedliche Umgebungsgegebenheiten zu richten.
    15 years ago by @cschie

    A context adaptive system typically enables the user to maintain a certain application (in different forms) while roaming between different wireless access technologies, locations, devices and even simultaneously executing everyday tasks like meetings, driving a car etc. For example a context adaptive and hence ubiquitous navigation system would offer navigation support in the situations at home, indoor, outdoor, and in car. This involves making the navigation functionality available for different availability of output devices, input devices and location sensors as well as adapting the user interaction operability to the current speed, noise or operator handicaps while keeping in mind the overall applicability depending on the user preferences, his knowledge, current task etc.[1]
    15 years ago by @cschie

    However I don't think this is the key point about agile methods. Lack of documentation is a symptom of two much deeper differences: Agile methods are adaptive rather than predictive. Engineering methods tend to try to plan out a large part of the software process in great detail for a long span of time, this works well until things change. So their nature is to resist change. The agile methods, however, welcome change. They try to be processes that adapt and thrive on change, even to the point of changing themselves. Agile methods are people-oriented rather than process-oriented. The goal of engineering methods is to define a process that will work well whoever happens to be using it. Agile methods assert that no process will ever make up the skill of the development team, so the role of a process is to support the development team in their work.In the following sections I'll explore these differences in more detail, so that you can understand what an adaptive and people-centered process is like, its benefits and drawbacks, and whether it's something you should use: either as a developer or customer of software.
    15 years ago by @cschie

    Operational business intelligence (BI) has a focus on day-to-day operations and so requires low-latency or real-time data to be integrated with historical data. It also requires BI systems that are integrated with operational business processes. However, while operational BI might be part and parcel of operational processes and systems, the focus is still on changing how people make decisions in an operational context. To compete on decisions, however, you must recognize that your customers react to the choices made by you, your staff and your systems, and that you must manage all the decisions you (or your systems) make – even the very small ones. This is the basis for enterprise decision management or EDM. Five main areas of difference exist between operational BI and EDM – a focus on decisions (especially operational ones), organizational integration, analytic technology change, adoption of additional technology and adaptive control. In this article, I want to outline some steps organizations can take as they move from “traditional” BI towards operational BI and enterprise decision management. Some of these steps would be a good idea if operational BI was your goal. But hopefully you are more ambitious than that and want to really begin to compete on decisions.
    15 years ago by @cschie

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