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    LambdaCLAM is a tool for automated theorem proving in higher order domains. In particular LambdaCLAM specialises in proof using induction based on the rippling heuristic. LambdaCLAM is a higher-order version of CLAM. Both CLAM and LambdaCLAM use proof planning to guide the search for a proof A proof plan is a proof of a theorem at some level of abstraction presented as a tree. Each node in this tree is justified by a tactic. The exact nature of these tactics is unspecified, they may be sequences of inference rules, programs for generating sequences of inferences or a further proof plan at some lower level of abstraction. In principle while the generation of the proof tree may have involved heuristics and (possibly) unsound inference steps, it can be justified by executing the tactics attached to the nodes.
    13 years ago by @draganigajic
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