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    Turmeric is a comprehensive, policy-driven SOA platform that you can use to develop, deploy, secure, run and monitor SOA services and consumers. It is a Java based platform, follows the standards (SOAP, XML, JSON, XACML, etc.), and supports WSDL (SOAP style - Doc Lit wrapped mode and REST style). It supports a variety of protocols and data formats. Eclipse plugins help with the development of services and consumers. Other important features include: Various Quality of Service (QoS) features such as authentication, authorization, and rate limiting, which you control by defining respective policies. Monitoring capabilities. A Repository Service that enables service registration and governance. The Type Library, which provides the ability to define and manage reusable schema type definitions across services, and hierarchically organizes them. The Error Library, another useful capability that lets you define and re-use error definitions across services. Local binding, which lets you locally bind services to consumers as a deployment time option, for optimization, without loss of any generality or changing code. The Turmeric platform is highly extensible and customizable. For example, you can easily plug in additional protocol processors, data formats, handlers and various other capabilities. The platform is also highly optimized for large scale environments. eBay uses this platform internally, and most parts of it are now open source, including replacing functionality dependent on commercial products with an equivalent, first-version, open-source implementation, and changing package names to match the open-source spirit. This is the first version of the open-source release of Turmeric, and might have some rough edges, so please provide feedback and contribute as you see fit.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    gnizr™ (gə-nīzər) is an open source application for social bookmarking and web mashup. It is easy to use gnizr to create a personalized portal for a group of friends and colleagues to store, classify and share information, and to mash-it-up with information about location. It's free.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Swirrel is a little framework (in alpha state) which allows to annotate AWT or Swing Components instead of writing listeners. Swirrel reads the annotations and attaches the aproriate listeners automatically. All you have to do is to provide the name of the methods which should be called by the Swirrel listener. Swirrel is a double edged sword, it can make things much easier, but you can shoot yourself in the foot (hey, a sword you can shoot with!). Please consider carefully if Swirrel is right for you and your project, especially if it contains deeply nested, complex, dynamic and/or time critical GUIs. Note that using Swirrel requires more testing, as things that caused compile time errors before cause runtime errors now. That said I must say Swirrel runs much smoother than I expected.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Allows to create swing forms in the following manner: Form<Person> form = Person.class ).buildForm();
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Duplicate Files Finder is a cross-platform application for finding and removing duplicate files by deleting, creating hardlinks or creating symbolic links. A special algorithm minimizes the amount of data read from disk, so the program is very fast.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Was ist DFS – DuplicateFiles Seracher - Das Tool zur Suche nach doppelten Dateien?        DFS – Duplicate Files Seracher - Das Tool zur Suche nach doppelten Dateien  findet und löscht Duplikate von Dateien im Computer. Es kann aber auch benutzt werden, um MD5 oder SHA Hashes zu berechnen. Es sind zwei Versionen verfügbar die open source – Version.  Die Version open source befindet sich in der Datei dfs.jar die voll version (unentgeltlich, aber nicht open source). Die Vollversion ist zugänglich als Datei mit dem Namen dfsfull.jar.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Swing Data Binding Download latest A powerful, fast, light and simple data binding framework for Java 6 Easy to use, understand and to extend to support custom ui elements Fast and light Support PropertyChangeSupport if you want it Swap out your model objects for active bindings (rebind) Unbind will remove all listeners Supply user feedback with ease Out-of-the-box support for JXDatePicker and Joda Time Provides a fluent interface if that's your bag
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Simple is a high performance XML serialization and configuration framework for Java. Its goal is to provide an XML framework that enables rapid development of XML configuration and communication systems. This framework aids the development of XML systems with minimal effort and reduced errors. It offers full object serialization and deserialization, maintaining each reference encountered. In essence it is similar to C# XML serialization for the Java platform, but offers additional features for interception and manipulation.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    SmartFrog is a powerful and flexible Java-based software framework for configuring, deploying and managing distributed software systems. SmartFrog helps you to encapsulate and manage systems so they are easy to configure and reconfigure, and so that that they can be automatically installed, started and shut down. It provides orchestration capabilities so that subsystems can be started (and stopped) in the right order. It also helps you to detect and recover from failures. Such systems typically have multiple software components running across a network of computing resources, where the components must work together to deliver the functionality of the system as a whole. It's critical that the right components are running in the right places, that the components are individually and collectively correctly configured, and that they are correctly combined to create the complete system. This profile fits many of the services and applications that run on today's computing infrastructures. SmartFrog consists of: A Language for defining configurations, providing powerful system modelling capabilities and an expressive notation for describing system configurations A secure, distributed Runtime System for deploying software components and managing running software systems A Library of SmartFrog Components that implement the SmartFrog component model and provide a wide range of services and functionality
    14 years ago by @gresch

    jConfig is an extremely helpful utility, arming the developer with a simple API for the management of properties. Parts of the implementation are based on the idea that Properties, from Java's perspective, are a good thing, but can be better. jConfig employs the use of XML files for storing and retrieving of property information. The information can be stuffed into nice categories, which makes management quite a bit simpler. The ability to load from a URL is also a nice feature. It allows for a central repository where multiple instances of jConfig can read a single file. The nifty ability to switch between XML and Properties files isn't fully exploited yet, but will be coming soon. That will mean that the developer would take their existing Properties files and export them to XML. That means less time to get up and get going with jConfig. With jConfig we hope to have provided the developer with another powerful accessory for his or her's toolbox.
    14 years ago by @gresch


    Java applications are typically deployed in multiple environments and platforms, each requiring some unique configuration. JFig gives developers a simple yet powerful tool to manage their applications’ configuration. It allows them to: 1. Store application configuration in one common repository of XML files 2. Access configuration data using one common, convenient interface 3. Easily define multiple configurations, dynamically modifying those variables that need to change in different situations 4. Eliminate the error prone practice of defining the same configuration variables in multiple locations 5. Ease the management, deployment, and control of configuration files
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Spring out of the box provides little support for loading property attributes based on environments and/or server contexts. Many projects work around this by creating custom ant builds. With Configleon you can build one war file that can be deployed to every location. Configleon really shines is in it's ability to cascade the property attributes. This allows the common attributes to be defined in a global file and then overridden at the environment and server context. If we consider the development of a web application, it typically starts in a local environment. The application will then be deployed to various environments including dev, qa, test, and production. Within a given environment, you may be deploying the same application to different server contexts. For example, say we are deploying the JMesa example web application to the test environment. But we also have two different versions of the application. One is deployed to and the other is deployed to In this example that same war file can use different properties based on both environment and context. In this example, the environment is test and the server context is jmesa and jmesa2.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    What is fastjson Fastjson is a JSON processor (JSON parser + JSON generator) written in Java: FAST (measured to be faster than any other Java parser and databinder, incudes jackson. ) Powerful (full data binding for common JDK classes as well as any Java Bean class, Collection, Map, Date or enum) Zero-dependency (doest not rely on other packages beyond JDK) Open Source (Apache License 2.0)
    14 years ago by @gresch

    What is Jackson? Jackson is a: Streaming (reading, writing) FAST (measured to be faster than any other Java json parser and data binder) Powerful (full data binding for common JDK classes as well as any Java bean class, Collection, Map or Enum) Zero-dependency (does not rely on other packages beyond JDK) Open Source (LGPL or AL) Fully conformant Extremely configurable JSON processor (JSON parser + JSON generator) written in Java. Beyond basic JSON reading/writing (parsing, generating), it also offers full node-based Tree Model, as well as full OJM (Object/Json Mapper) data binding functionality.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Flesh is a cross-platform, open source Java application designed to quickly analyze a document and display the difficulty associated with comprehending it. It is available for all platforms that support Java. Flesh has been released under the GPL (license for use). After processing a document, Flesh produces two scores: the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and the Flesch Reading Ease Score. Each of these scores is calculated after determining the number of sentences, words and syllables a document contains. Using those numbers, the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and Flesch Reading Ease Score can then be calculated
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Frinika is a free (licensed under GNU GPL) complete music workstation software containing sequencer, midi support, soft synthesizers, audio recorder, piano roll/tracker/notation editing and more. The goal of Frinika is to be a complete platform for making music with your computer, using the versatile Java platform to be able to run on several operating systems, and being open source to be able to embrace the best open source technology being available at any time.
    14 years ago by @gresch


    Kilim is a message-passing framework for Java that provides ultra-lightweight threads and facilities for fast, safe, zero-copy messaging between these threads. It consists of a bytecode postprocessor (a "weaver"), a run time library with buffered mailboxes (multi-producer, single consumer queues) and a user-level scheduler and a type system that puts certain constraints on pointer aliasing within messages to ensure interference-freedom between threads. Why? Hardware facilities are getting distributed, from the micro to the macro levels -- increasing numbers of cores, CPUs in a box, boxes in a data center to a multitude of data centers. The current crop of software architectures, languages and idioms are not suited to this trend. Here are a few reasons: A multi-core/CPU box is internally a distributed system, but operating systems and hardware manufacturers go to great lengths to provide an illusion of local shared memory. In reality, the illusion is never complete, which is why programmers have no option but to learn about non-trivial memory models and consistency schemes. The problems with shared memory has been well documented [ PDF ]. Different mindset between "concurrent programming" and "distributed programming". Programmers have to deal with both (even embedded systems have network interactions) and require separate sets of tools for verification, profiling and debugging these two patterns. The "events vs. threads" debate unnecessarily conflates two problems: threads are considered bad because they are (a) heavyweight (which doesn't have to be the case) and (b) the thread paradigm is implicitly associated with shared memory locking constructs that are error-prone, which again does not have to be the case. As Kilim demonstrates, it is possible to have lightweight threads that are just as lightweight as state machines, yet provide the automatic stack management feature (there's no need for the "return to the mainloop" mentality). The combination of lightweight threads plus message-passing is a good fit for the emerging world. It permits us to blur the line between concurrency and distribution -- the API (send/receive) is the same (although the failure modes and frequencies may be different), and allows a uniform set of tools for debugging, profiling, and verification. For example, the most common verification tool in practice, the SPIN model checker, is based on a message passing mindset. There is a good reason why Tony Hoare used "communicating sequential processes" as a model for verification.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    SCPSolver should enable a Java developer to use Linear Programming in less than 10 minutes. Most solvers for linear programs are implemented in C/C++ for performance reasons. Java developers can use JNI interfaces for some solvers. However most interfaces are pretty difficult to setup, and lock the developer in to a specific solver. SCPSolver was developed to overcome those issues. The library has the following features: easy to deploy on Linux, Mac Os X and Windows with prebuilt linear programming libraries (almost dependency-free) plugin-concept: write model, use different solvers to solve it currently supported solvers: GLPK lpsolve CPLEX (solver pack must be built by script by user) low learning curve: very simple, no-frills API other features: implementation of sparse matrices and graphs, debugger for linear programs, prebuilt models for common optimization problems like set cover, ...
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Chameleon can be used to host web applications. Thanks to OSGi and the services offered by Chameleon, these applications exhibit a high degree of modularity, making them extendible and evolutionary. These types of web apps rely on web technologies such as JSON, ATOM and JavaScript. Applications like these require Chameleon services such as: json-service internationalization-service syndication-service session-service rose (json-rpc) Communication Server Chameleon is also used to build communication servers. A communication server is a gateway collecting data from field devices, processing them and sending them to an enterprise server (JEE). A communication server must be flexible and extensible in order to manage new devices, as well as remotely configurable. These applications require Chameleon components such as: json-service naming-service syndication-service jboss communication stack jms bridge Desktop Client Chameleon is also heavily used to create desktop clients in a modular way. The UI is implemented either with Swing or with Web technologies such as HTML 5 (akquinet ChameRIA). The resulting desktop clients are highly modular and enforce a clear distinction between the view, the controller and the models. The application maintainability benefits greatly from the modularity offered and enforced by Chameleon and OSGi.
    14 years ago by @gresch

    Turmeric is a comprehensive, policy-driven SOA platform that you can use to develop, deploy, secure, run and monitor SOA services and consumers. It is a Java based platform, follows the standards (SOAP, XML, JSON, XACML, etc.), and supports WSDL (SOAP style - Doc Lit wrapped mode and REST style). It supports a variety of protocols and data formats. Eclipse plugins help with the development of services and consumers. Other important features include: * Various Quality of Service (QoS) features such as authentication, authorization, and rate limiting, which you control by defining respective policies. * Monitoring capabilities. * A Repository Service that enables service registration and governance. * The Type Library, which provides the ability to define and manage reusable schema type definitions across services, and hierarchically organizes them. * The Error Library, another useful capability that lets you define and re-use error definitions across services. * Local binding, which lets you locally bind services to consumers as a deployment time option, for optimization, without loss of any generality or changing code.
    14 years ago by @gresch

publications  3  

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