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    Laughter Yoga which initially started as a social club movement has now entered the business world, where it provides companies and organizations powerful operational benefits. Companies around the world are starting to introduce Laughter Yoga which includes a strong team building element. Results indicate that employees in Laughter Yoga programs become more committed, learn more easily, improve their interpersonal skills, and that the workplace becomes a happier place. It is often reflected in increased sales, efficiency and productivity and an improved bottom line. A one-year Laughter Yoga trial in a Danish IT company yielded the following results: The company’s sales increased more than 25% in a highly competitive market while stress levels decreased by 75%. The program consisted of Laughter Yoga sessions daily for a week followed by weekly sessions for one year. All management and employees participated and stress levels were scientifically monitored. The Unique features of Laughter Yoga are: * ANYONE can laugh and one does not need a sense of humor, jokes or comedies. * One doesn’t need to be happy in order to laugh because laughter is done as an exercise in a group. * One can train the body and mind to laugh at will with regular practice. * It is cost effective, less time consuming and scientifically proven.
    16 years ago by @laughteryoga
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