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    Browse arXiv
    16 years ago by @pitman

      UC Davis provides the front end for arXiv, which is maintained at Cornell University. Through it you can search and browse the arXiv collection of eprints and then link to the articles in arXiv. ArXiv is an e-print service for the fields of physics, mathematics, non-linear science, computer science, and quantitative biology. It serves two functions: preserving the eprints for posterity and providing researchers open access to the eprints. Researchers can submit articles to arXiv and update previously submitted articles. Articles are not peer-reviewed. They are added in order of receipt. However, arXiv will not add a paper if it does not fit into the arXiv mission to store and disseminate scholarly scientific research. Often these papers will be later published in scholarly journals. ArXiv works well as a tool to monitor current research. It even has search options labeled "New", "Recent" and "Catchup." To keep up to date, you can also set up RSS feeds and/or email alerts to be notified about the newest articles in a field.
      16 years ago by @pitman
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