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    Conceived by the Hydraulic Institute (HI), Pump Systems MatterTM(PSM) is an educational initiative created to assist North American pump system users gain a more competitive business advantage through strategic, broad-based energy management and pump system performance optimization. A primary objective of the initiative is to change the decision-making process for the purchase of pumping systems. Pump Systems Matter will promote educated decision-making based on life cycle costs and systems optimization concepts, thereby accounting for energy, maintenance and other significant costs factors of operating a pumping system. PSM seeks to transform the market by changing owner and operator decision-making on pumping systems from a focus on first cost to a focus on life cycle costs, while helping pump users capture significant energy-savings and performance improvements. Pump Systems Matter, to be successful, requires collaboration and teamwork between pump manufacturers, pump supplier OEM's, pump systems designers, contractors and users, as well as utilities, the energy efficiency program community, government agencies, academia and other associations. Alone, this challenge is too big for any single group. Working together, PSM Sponsors can identify the key market opportunities, technology, training, tools, education and incentive programs that will transform this market, reduce energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and place a focus on buying based on life cycle cost and total cost of ownership. PSM will collaborate with its stakeholders to build PSM into a significant new educational program offering unique resources of value to all participants. The PSM organization invites interested organizations to become sponsors. To learn more about how Pump Systems Matter was inspired and developed, review "Why Pump Systems Matter," a paper presented at the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy and Industry on July 20, 2005.
    15 лет назад , @thorade
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