
Instructional Situations Case Analysis

. Self-Study Approaches and the Teacher-Inquirer, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, (2009)


This chapter presents the instructional situations case analysis approach as a significant tool for the teacher-inquirer. This approach is based upon the view of the teacher as inquirer as well as on the accumulated body of knowledge about cases in teaching. Even so, I have further developed, refined and expanded the approach during the course of my work with teacher-inquirers. The approach began to take shape during a workshop I offered to teachers studying in a graduate program on Learning and Instruction (M.Ed.). The chapter describes three instructional situations as told by teacher-inquirers, each representing a different type of case. Each of the situations is described twice. The first account—the äuthentic case of teaching"—recounts the situation as it actually happened. The second account—the "expected case of teaching"—describes what was hypothetically expected to occur based upon analysis of the original authentic event.

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