
Strands of narrative and antenarrative are interwoven, raveling and unraveling, weaving and unweaving in families and storytelling organizations and in societal discourse. Storytelling organization is defined as “collective storytelling system icity in which the performance of stories is a key part of members’ sense-making and a means to allow them to supplement individual memories with institutional memory”(Boje, 1991, p. 106). In Bakhtin’s (1973, 1981) conception, it is dialogized heteroglossia, the opposing centripetal (proper control) and centrifugal (improper amplification) forces. The living story fabric of a social system (be it family, organization, or society) is a complex collective- weave of many storytellers and listeners who together are co-constructing (along with researchers) the dynamics that reduce living story opposed by antenarrative forces of more amplifying-transformation. simultaneous landscape of multiple storytellers and listeners coconstructing living stories that co-construct meaning, depending on one’s choice of which rooms to visit during the play. The key implication is that Tamara, with its simultaneity and choice constraints on meaning, is much more like real life than a story performed on a single stage, with everyone in a stationary audience, unable to move about.



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