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An emergent Agenda For the Research on Power Users of Technology, и . Power Users of Information and Communication Technology International, San Jose, Costa Rica, EDC, EDC, (8-10 08 2005)August 8-10, 2005 - Interview with Don Ihde 16.03.2006, , и . (2006)The internet has been upgraded to 2.0!. Aalborg, Institut for Kommunikation, Aalborg Universitet, (2006)Podcast - Interview with Anders Albrechtslund 01.03.2006, и . (2006)Input to Deliverable on task SVL 7.9 ? A Socio-Technical Study of the Shared Virtual Laboratory, SVL, As a Collaboratory For Kaleidoscope. (2006)Towards a Collaborative Approach of Introducing E-learning in higher Education Institutions, и . 8, Stellenbosch, Institut for Kommunikation, IFIP (The International Federation for Information Processing), (июня 2005)EQUEL Position Paper (2004). Special Interest Group 3. E-Learning Communities and Collaborative Learning, , , и . Coordinated by University of Sheffield, UK In Association with Aalborg University, (2004)Can be found at and sociability in networked environments - A condition for productive learning environments, и . Bristol, Institut for Kommunikation, University of Bristol, (марта 2005)Networked learning ? an emerging paradigm?. Aalborg University, (2006)"This Is the Size of One Meter": Children's Bodily-Material Collaboration and Understanding of Scale around Touchscreens., и . CSCL, International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2015)