bookmarks  166


    chirality rotation in nuclei is an exotic phenomena in triaxial nuclei
    a year ago by @raniaguendouz

    exotic and rare phenomena in triaxial nuclei
    a year ago by @raniaguendouz


    The objective of this study is to characterize the current status of woody species in agrosystems and to identify ecologically important woody species that favor agriculture-livestock integration in the context of strong anthropic pressures in the Maradi region. The ground forest inventory method was used to characterize woody vegetation in three sites in the departments of Dakoro (north), Guidan Roumdji (center) and Madarounfa (south). A total of 187 plots were installed, each with a surface area of 2500m². Data collected included species list, total height, diameter at 1.30m from the ground and both perpendicular diameters of the crown, and natural regeneration of woody species. The results show that the southern zone has more species (17) divided into 9 families, followed by the central zone with 16 species and 12 families and finally the northern zone with 9 species and 7 families. The diversity decreases from the south (3.01 bites), center (2.27) and north (1.76 bites). As for the dendrometric parameters, the difference is significant (P ˂ 0.000) with greater values of average height, diameter at 1.30 m from the ground and basal area of the trees in the southern area. It is not significant between ecological zones the basal area of trees (P = 0.9). Faidherbia albida and Piliostigma reticulatum were the most ecologically important species distributed in all three zones. The overall diameter class and height structure imputed by the dominant species shows a negative skewed distribution of the disturbed stand in all three ecological zones. Regeneration is 747±65 (ft/ha), 2136±177 (ft/ha), and 1018±63 (ft/ha) in the north, center, and south, respectively, with a highly significant difference (P=0.000). This regeneration is an important source for re-greening the fields if maintained. This study provides important results that can be used to refine the management of agroforestry parks for various ecosystem services for the benefit of populations.
    a year ago by @innspubnet

    Seagrass-associated epifaunal macroinvertebrates communities are complex ecosystems patterned with diel shift rhythms and niche cycles. Most studies focus on diurnal rhythms as researchers engage in daytime collections, creating community structure frameworks accustomed to this analysis. Less is known to nocturnal cycles and diurnal-nocturnal shifts as community structure in these periods may offer a holistic ecosystems framework rather than a diurnal outlook. Moreso, literature is limited in lunar-influenced community structure in seagrass-associated epifaunal macroinvertebrates. This paper seeks to identify the community structure patterned on lunar illumination percentages based on waning gibbous, full moon, waxing gibbous, waxing crescent, and; waning crescent. Each phase differs in illumination percentage, and identifying community structure may depict activity and favorable adaptive mechanisms among the community. Four stations were established in Eastern Samar, Philippines, in a month-long collection, laying 50 meter transect lines with five quadrats placed every 10 meters in shallow waters covering seagrass beds. Results show that mollusks dominated the structure together with diverse echinoderms, arthropods, poriferans, and annelids. During the full moon, the species’ relative abundance was the highest value compared to other lunar phases. This structure was followed by waning gibbous, waxing gibbous, waxing crescent, and; waning crescent. In reference to the illumination percentage, community structure was influenced in favour for a brighter lunar phase based on the computed relative abundance. As lunar illumination percentage was reduced, assemblages of epifaunal macroinvertebrates were also reduced. This community structure indicated assemblages in response to lunar illumination, lunar phases, and the framework of the seagrass ecosystems should be monitored using this outlook.
    2 years ago by @innspubnet

publications  1085