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    The Kuali Foundation is a non-profit organization responsible for sustaining and evolving administrative software that meets the needs of all Carnegie Class institutions. Its members are colleges, universities, commercial firms and interested organizations that share a common vision of open, modular, and distributed systems for their software requirements. The goal of Kuali is to bring the proven functionality of legacy applications to the ease and universality of online services. The Foundation coordinates the efforts of partners, and manages and protects the Foundation's intellectual property. The Kuali Foundation manages a growing portfolio of enterprise software applications for colleges and universities, such as Kuali Financial System (KFS), Kuali Coeus (KC), and Kuali Student (KS). A lightweight Foundation staff coordinates the activities of Foundation members for critical software development and coordination activities such as source code control, release engineering, packaging, documentation, project management, software testing and quality assurance, conference planning, and educating and assisting members of the Kuali Partners program.
    16 лет назад , @gresch

    "KNIME, pronounced [naim], is a modular data exploration platform that enables the user to visually create data flows (often referred to as pipelines), selectively execute some or all analysis steps, and later investigate the results through interactive views on data and models. KNIME was developed (and will continue to be expanded) by the Chair for Bioinformatics and Information Mining at the University of Konstanz, Germany. The group headed by Michael Berthold is also using KNIME for teaching and research at the University. Quite a number of new data analysis methods developed at the chair are integrated in KNIME. Let us know if you are looking for something in particular, not all of those modules are part of the standard KNIME release just yet... KNIME base version already incorporates over 100 processing nodes for data I/O, preprocessing and cleansing, modelling, analysis and data mining as well as various interactive views, such as scatter plots, parallel coordinates and others. It integrates all analysis modules of the well known Weka data mining environment and additional plugins allow R-scripts to be run, offering access to a vast library of statistical routines. KNIME is based on the Eclipse platform and, through its modular API, easily extensible. When desired, custom nodes and types can be implemented in KNIME within hours thus extending KNIME to comprehend and provide first-tier support for highly domain-specific data. This modularity and extensibility permits KNIME to be employed in commercial production environments as well as teaching and research prototyping settings. If you would like to read a more detailed description of the software, please download the attached White Paper. KNIME is being released under a dual licensing scheme. A non-profit open source license allows KNIME to be downloaded, distributed, and used freely so long as the software or extensions built onto it are not distributed for commercial gain. See license arrangements for complete details."
    16 лет назад , @gresch

    JMulTi is an interactive software designed for univariate and multivariate time series analysis. It has a Java graphical user interface that uses an external engine for statistical computations. Implemented features include VAR/VEC modelling but also methods that are not yet in widespread use. A full account of implemented methods is available in the features section.
    16 лет назад , @gresch
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