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    Relational databases define a strict structure and provide a rigid way to maintain data for a software application. Apache's open source CouchDB offers a new method of storing data, in what is referred to as a schema-free document-oriented database model. Instead of the highly structured data storage of a relational model, CouchDB stores data in a semi-structured fashion, using a JavaScript-based view model for generating structured aggregation and report results from these semi-structured documents. CouchDB has been developed from the ground up with Web applications as the primary focus and has its sights on becoming the de-facto database for Web application development.
    16 years ago by @gresch

    Jersey 1.0 is an open-source, production-ready reference implementation of JAX-RS, the Java API for RESTful Web Services (JSR-311). Jersey makes it easy to create RESTful web services in Java. In an earlier Tech Tip, Implementing RESTful Web Services in Java, Paul Sandoz and I introduced RESTful Web Services, JAX-RS, and Jersey, and showed how to write RESTful web services in Java that conform to the JAX-RS specification. In this tip you will learn how to configure data in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) using Jersey 1.0. JSON is a lightweight data-interchange format that is based on the object notation of the JavaScript language. Because of it's simple text format, JSON provides a good alternative to other data interchange formats such as XML and is particularly attractive as a data interchange format for RESTful web services. In this tip you will build a Jersey-based web application that provides information about printer status. The application returns the information in JSON format. To build the application, you will use the Maven 2 software project management tool. For more information about Maven, see Welcome to Maven and Building Web Applications with Maven 2.
    16 years ago by @gresch
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