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    AutoPatch was born from the needs of using an agile development process while working on systems that have persistent storage. Without AutoPatch, developers usually can't afford the maintenance headache of their own database, and DBAs are required just to apply changes to all of the various environments a serious development effort requires. The very application of database changes becomes an inefficient, error-prone, expensive process, all conspiring to discourage any refactoring that touches the model, or being a bottleneck when model changes are made. AutoPatch solves this problem, completely. With AutoPatch, an agile development process that requires a database change looks like this: * Developer alters the model, which requires a change to the database * Developer possibly consults a DBA, and develops a SQL patch against their personal database that implements the alteration * Developer commits the patch to source control at the same time as they commit their dependent code * Other developers' and environments' databases are automatically updated by AutoPatch the next time the new source is run This represents streamlined environment maintenance, allowing developers to cheaply have their own databases and all databases to stay in synch with massively lower costs and no environment skew. That's what AutoPatch does. Clusters with one database? Multiple schemas? Logical migrations, instead of just DDL changes? Need to do something special/custom? Need to distribute your changes commercially? All without paying anything? No problem.
    15 years ago by @gresch

    Data Architects, DBA's, Analysts and Designers rely on Data Modeling tools to facilitate and simplify their data Modeling efforts, while maximizing the use of their resources. The Power*Architect allows these busy highly technical resources to perform this most intricate part of their job in a fraction of the time. The Power*Architect is a user-friendly data modeling tool created by data warehouse designers, and has many unique features geared specifically for the data warehouse architect. It allows users to reverse-engineer existing databases, perform data profiling on source databases, and auto-generate ETL metadata. Plus, the Power*Architect has the ability to take snapshots of database structures, allowing users to design DW data models while working offline. Whether you are building a Data Warehouse or using data models to communicate business rules, the Power*Architect will facilitate and automate your data modeling efforts.
    17 years ago by @gresch

    My thoughts on evolutionary design in regards to databases. Database administration. Best Pratices, Database utilities and other things
    18 years ago by @gresch
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