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    This study evaluated the microbial quality of farmed tilapia from seven fresh water farms of Cagayan which were endorsed by the Bureau Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Provincial Office of Cagayan. The study utilized a Mixed Method of analysis where the profile of fish farms and microbial quality of tilapia harvested from the fish farms were quantitatively described while a Focus Grouped Discussion was done to determine farm practices of the fish farm owners. Interview, observation techniques and document reviews were also done to validate some responses provided by the participants in the FGD. Results of the bacterial culture conducted revealed the presence of different bacterial isolates from the fish samples which were found to be pathogenic and may be due to poor fish farm practices. Further, the results of the study showed that most fish farm owners do not comply to practice basic sanitary and hygienic protocols as endorsed by BFAR. While the bacteria load levels detected from the fish samples were within the acceptable limit as prescribed by the Food and Drug Administration of the Department of Health, some fish farms were detected to have high bacterial loads in as much as the harvested fishes from these sites are concerned because of the use of contaminated source of water supply. The study strongly recommends BFAR to conduct stricter monitoring and implement sanitary and hygienic practices in the fish farms of Cagayan to avoid food poisoning and intoxication once fishes like tilapia are consumed. Consumers are likewise advised to cook properly fishes cultured in fish farms.
    a year ago by @innspubnet

    Silk, being the “queen of textiles”, passes through various procedures to ensure its quality. Pre-treatment is the process of soaking raw silk in a solution consisting of soap, oil, and water. Its primary purpose is to smoothen and elasticize the raw silk to expedite throwing operations. This paper aimed to modify the soaking solution for raw silk being used at DMMMSU-Sericulture Research and Development Institute, to improve the quality of fabric produced. The study utilized an experimental research design, using raw silk from silkworm hybrid DMMMSU 406. Pre-treatment was done using three types of edible oils such as castor oil, corn oil, and coconut oil as soaking agents with a material liquor ratio of 1:4:5:6. All the treatments passed the standards for breaking strength, dimensional change, and colorfastness. Results revealed that coconut oil had the lowest registered number of breaks, and the highest registered reflectance percentage. The same treatment also performed better in terms of cleanness, evenness, and neatness test.
    2 years ago by @innspubnet

    Determination of phosphate solubilization and plant growth promotion of bacterial isolates from paddy rhizosphere Vinithra Muthaiyan, Saravanan... IJAAR Published such kinds of Articles in every issue. Here is March 3 issue
    10 years ago by @innspubnet
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