
We present the gamified AR learning environment ARES. During the gameplay, learners guide the little dragon called ”Ares” through dungeons. Using AR, ARES threedimensionally integrates the dungeons in the real-world. Each dungeon represents a coordinate system with obstacles that ultimately create mathematical exercises, e.g. rotating a door to let the dragon fly through it. Overcoming such a challenge requires a learner to spatially analyze the exercise and apply the fundamental mathematical principles. ARES displays a debriefing screen at the end of a dungeon to further support the learning process. In a preliminary qualitative user study, preservice and in-service teachers saw great potential in ARES for providing further practical and motivating exercises to deepen the knowledge in the classroom and at home.

Линки и ресурсы



  • @oberdoerfer
  • @hci-uwb
  • @dblp
  • @sp-jmu
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