
Information Technologies in Teacher Education. Issues and Experiences for Countries in Transition. Proceedings of a European Workshop, University of Twente (Enschede, Netherlands, February 20-23, 1994)

(0101 1995)LV: Not available from ERIC; EM: 1997.


This document contains 21 papers from an international workshop designed to facilitate the exchange of ideas concerning the use of information technology in teacher education among experts from Central, Eastern, and Western Europe. The papers include: (1) "Communication and Information Technologies as Change Agents" (Jef Moonen); (2) "In-service Training and Information Technology from a Curriculum Innovation Perspective" (Tjeerd Plomp and Jan van den Akker); (3) "What Do Instructional and Information Technology Contribute to Problems in Teacher Education? Results and the Future" (Sanne Dijkstra and Hein Krammer); (4) "Supporting Teachers and Learners to Design Powerful Learning Environments" (Jules Pieters); (5) "New Possibilities for Teacher Education Through Computer-Based Environments" (Betty Collis); (6) "Perspectives on Teacher Training Related to Information Technology in Central and Eastern European Countries" (Ivan Stanchev and others); (7) "Computer Networks in Teacher Education: Realizations in the Framework of the Pluto Project" (Arno Libotton); (8) "Teacher Education and Communication and Information Technologies: Implications for Faculties of Education" (Bernard Cornu); and (9) "Teacher Education and Communication and Information Technologies: A Reflection on Emerging Possibilities for Collaborative Projects" (Stephen Heppell); (10) "The 'Yale Key' to Progress in Using Communication and Information Technologies: A Case Study About Introducing CIT in a Municipal School System" (Erling Schmidt); (11) ÜK Case Study: Communications and Information Technology in UK Teacher Education" (Niki Davis); (12) "TELETEACHING '93: Norwegian Contributions" (Jan Wibe); (13) "Case Study: A European Multimedia Training Network for International Distance Leaning" (Leopold Reif and Stefanie Fisher); (14) "German Experiences with Communication and Information Technology for Updating Teachers in Germany (North-Rhine Westfalia)" (Rudolph Hambusch); (15) "Teacher Training and Information Technologies in Spain: Data, Experiences and Comparisons" (Carlos San Jose); (16) "The Implementation of Communication and Information Technologies in Teacher Education in the Netherlands" (Vim Veen and others); (17) "Not All Birds Are Turtles: Developing Teaching/Learning Environments in Initial Teacher Training at Comenius University" (Ivan Kalas and Andrej Blaho); (18) "Communication and Information Technologies in Teacher Education: The Experience of International Research and Training Center UNESCO/IIP at Glushkov Institute for Cybernetics" (Vladimir Gritsenko and others); (19) "CIT in Teacher Training at the Charles University in Prague: Examples from the Czech Republic" (Miroslava Cernocova and others); (20) "Hungarian Teacher Training" (Kristina Foghtuy and Beno Csapo); and (21) "The Computer: The Medium Stimulating the Development of a Teacher Education Workshop (illustrated by Geography)" (Krzystof Wozniak). (Individual papers contain references.) (JLS)


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