PhD thesis,

Adult learner perceptions of bibliographic instructional services in five private four-year liberal arts colleges in North Carolina

North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, PhD Thesis, (1993)


Bibliographic Instruction is the introduction of students and faculty to the library resources, the basic elements of how to use those resources, and the services provided by the library staff. The subject of dispute is that these services are normally designed for the traditional college student, not for the non-traditional learner. Research indicates that the non-traditional learner is not being served by bibliographic instruction programs in college and university library environments. This study investigates the adult learners' perceptions about the practice of bibliographic instruction and what can be done to enhance bibliographic instructional programs. Seven conclusions were taken from the data and exhibit adult learner views about the improvement of bibliographic instruction programs more responsive to adult learners. The conclusions are adult learners are aware of bibliographic services in the institutions studied; bibliographic instruction programs need to be revamped to emphasize the needs of the adult learner; and library personnel need to find innovative techniques to involve adult learners in the total bibliographic instruction program.



  • @prophe

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