Gene expression profiling of Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-negative CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells of patients with Ph-positive CML in major molecular remission during therapy with imatinib.
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%0 Journal Article
%1 Neumann2005
%A Neumann, F.
%A Teutsch, N.
%A Kliszewski, S.
%A Bork, S.
%A Steidl, U.
%A Brors, B.
%A Schimkus, N.
%A Roes, N.
%A Germing, U.
%A Hildebrandt, B.
%A Royer-Pokora, B.
%A Eils, R.
%A Gattermann, N.
%A Haas, R.
%A Kronenwett, R.
%D 2005
%J Leukemia
%K /&/ Adult; Aged; Antigens, BCR-ABL Benzamides; CD34, Cells, Chromosome; Chronic, Chronic-Phase, Expression Female; Fusion Gene Hematopoietic Humans; Induction, Kinases, Leukemia, Male; Middle Myelogenous, Myeloid, Philadelphia Phylogeny; Piperazines, Positive, Profiling; Protein-Tyrosine Proteins, Pyrimidines, Remission Stem antagonists bcr-abl, biosynthesis/genetics/immunology; drug genetics; immunology/metabolism; inhibitors; methods therapeutic therapy/genetics/immunology; therapy/genetics; use;
%N 3
%P 458--460
%R 10.1038/sj.leu.2403615
%T Gene expression profiling of Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-negative CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells of patients with Ph-positive CML in major molecular remission during therapy with imatinib.
%V 19
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author = {Neumann, F. and Teutsch, N. and Kliszewski, S. and Bork, S. and Steidl, U. and Brors, B. and Schimkus, N. and Roes, N. and Germing, U. and Hildebrandt, B. and Royer-Pokora, B. and Eils, R. and Gattermann, N. and Haas, R. and Kronenwett, R.},
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title = {Gene expression profiling of Philadelphia chromosome (Ph)-negative CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells of patients with Ph-positive CML in major molecular remission during therapy with imatinib.},
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volume = 19,
year = 2005