
Can MOOCs Help Reduce College Tuition?

SSRN eLibrary, (2013)
DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.2367425


Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become a significant force in redefining the business model for higher education. But it is not at all clear whether MOOCs can have any effect on spiraling tuition costs. Even though a single MOOC instructor is able to reach tens of thousands of students, as contrasted with a few dozen in traditional face-to-face instruction, the three major purveyors of MOOCs have not been successful in creating significant results. In fact, a partnership between Udacity and Georgia Tech for a MOOC-driven Masters degree in computer science seems to be the only attempt so far to use MOOCs to achieve dramatic reductions in tuition. This article examines some of the challenges and problems involved in using MOOCs to reduce tuition costs, and suggests that other combinations of distance learning deployment, including NCAT’s enormously successful, but underutilized, course redesign strategy or competency-based programs like the Western Governors Association model might utilize MOOCs to reduce tuition costs significantly. The major finding is that several large states are deploying their own distance learning resources for shared programs which allow students to take a course at any state-funded institution. These courses do not rely heavily on MOOCs, and are being deployed significantly in California, New York and Florida, with additional states following the model soon.


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