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Spatial and temporal dynamics of rubella in Peru, 1997-2006: Geographic patterns, age at infection and estimation of transmissibility, , , , and . Springer Netherlands, (2009)A deterministic methodology for estimation of parameters in dynamic markov chain models, , , , and . Journal of Biological Systems, 19 (1): 71-100 (2011)A discrete events delay differential system model for transmission of Vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) in hospitals, , , , and . Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems, 18 (7): 787-821 (2010)Scaling Laws for the Movement of People Between Locations in a Large City, , , and . BU-1630-M. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, (2003)Merging Economics and Epidemiology to Improve the Prediction and Management of Infectious Disease, , , , , , , , , and 4 other author(s). EcoHealth, 11 (4): 464-475 (2014)Preface, , , and . Springer Netherlands, (2009)SARS Ourbreaks in Ontario, Hong Kong and Singapore: The Role of Diagnosis and Isolation as a Control Mechanism, , , and . BU-1628-M. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, (2003)Transmission dynamics and underreporting of Kala-azar in the Indian state of Bihar, , , , , , and . Journal of Theoretical Biology, 262 (1): 177-185 (2010)Did modeling overestimate the transmission potential of pandemic (H1N1-2009)? sample size estimation for post-epidemic seroepidemiological studies, , and . PLoS ONE, (2011)Mathematical and statistical estimation approaches in epidemiology, , , and . Springer Netherlands, (2009)