Find running maps and map your running route with Whether you are jogging or marathon training, try our online or mobile running apps free. Search for Running Maps & Routes - Searching Over 25 Million Routes
Das Routenportal aus Berlin bietet weltweit und kostenlos Strecken für alle Outdoor-Aktivitäten an. Wanderer, Läufer, Mountainbiker oder Motorradfahrer können ihre Routen online mittels einer Straßen- oder Satellitenkarte planen, anschließend auf der Website speichern oder als GPS Datei herunterladen.
EveryTrail is the best way to share trips, connect with other travelers and find great new things to do. Use our mobile apps to record your trips and find nearby things to do.
Auch ohne GPS lässt sich in Städten die Position eines mobilen Gerätes genau genug bestimmen, um den Besitzer zum nächsten Kino, Supermarkt oder Rendezvous zu führen - ganz ohne spezielle Hardware.
openBmap is a free and open map of wireless communicating objects (e.g. cellular antenna, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth). It provides tools to mutualize data, create and access this map.
Help us build a free database ! Open source logging applications are available for Windows Mobile and the openmoko freerunner phones.
A Global Location Based Information Service
“” is a global location based information service for mobile (GSM and UMTS) users.
Use CellSpotting to find information for the place you are at! and even better, you can help and give information to others about places you know! CellSpotting is a Collaborate Location Based service built by its users.
This project is an open source project, aiming to create a complete database of CellID worlwide, with their locations
Project will provides free access to tools, data to not only create this database, but also retreive location informations.
Navizon is a software-only wireless positioning system that triangulates signals broadcasted from Wi-Fi access points and Cellular towers to help the users find their way in most major metropolitan areas worldwide.
The Navizon network is based on a collaborative database. Members with a GPS device can use Navizon to map the Wi-Fi and cellular landscape in their neighborhoods. Once they synchronize their data, it is made available to all the other users of the network. This way, users who don't have a GPS device can benefit from a positioning system. And it's free for personal use.
Bei dieser Suche geht es allerdings weniger um den Schatz selbst, der meist nur aus irgendeiner Kleinigkeit besteht, als viel mehr um das Suchen. Geocacher suchen Schätze von anderen. Und: verstecken Schätze für andere. Und das überall. Auf Bäumen, unter Bäumen, an Denkmälern und Straßenrändern, in Ruinen, verlassenen Kasernen und Industrieanlagen.
H. Fliegel, and R. DiEsposti. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting, page 189--200. Reston, Virginia, (December 1996)