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    (Tramadol-warfarin interaction) Drug and Therapeutics Bulletin 2024;62:36 https://doi.org/10.1136/dtb.2024.000008 Traducido por Salud y Fármacos, publicado en Boletín Fármacos: Farmacovigilancia 2024; 27 (2) Tags: riesgo de hemorragia, anticoagulantes, tratamiento del dolor y riesgo de hemorragia Resumen de: Danbury G Susan Gladstone: Informe sobre prevención de muertes futuras [en línea], 2023. Disponible: https://www.judiciary.uk/prevention-of-future-death-reports/susan-gladstone-prevention-offuture-deaths-report/ Consultado el 8 de enero de 2024]. Puntos más importantes En el Reino Unido, los médicos forenses tienen la obligación de informar los casos en los que consideren que se deben tomar medidas para prevenir futuras muertes. Un forense investigó el caso de una paciente que murió de hemorragia intraparenquimatosa y subaracnoidea. La investigación concluyó que la causa de la hemorragia fue una interacción entre warfarina y tramadol que provocó un grado significativo de anticoagulación. Un forense británico que concluyó que la muerte de una paciente se debió a una interacción generalmente desconocida entre la warfarina y el tramadol ha pedido a NHS (National Health Service o Servicio Nacional de Salud) de Inglaterra que tome medidas para prevenir futuras muertes por dicha interacción [1].
    3 месяцев назад , @jepcastel

    (Pregabalin and gabapentin: sometimes fatal overdoses) Prescrire International 2024; 33 (257): 72-74 Traducido por Salud y Fármacos, publicado en Boletín Fármacos: Farmacovigilancia 2024; 27 (2) Tags: insuficiencia renal, prolongación espacio Q-T, opioide, tratamiento neuropatía, metadona, Lyrica Diferentes estudios han confirmado que la sobredosis de pregabalina, incluso la accidental, conlleva un riesgo de coma y de depresión respiratoria. El riesgo de sobredosis aumenta en los pacientes con insuficiencia renal. La gravedad de tales sobredosis aumenta cuando la pregabalina se combina con un depresor del sistema nervioso central, como un opioide o un medicamento que conlleve un riesgo de prolongación electrocardiográfica del intervalo QT. La gabapentina también conlleva un riesgo de sobredosis en presencia de insuficiencia renal, con un riesgo significativo de depresión respiratoria cuando se combina con un opioide.
    3 месяцев назад , @jepcastel

      The traditional “drug-event combination” approach is too simplistic for complex side effects such as behavioural changes. We must adjust our methodology to address this intricacy.
      3 месяцев назад , @jepcastel

      See how UMC’s new clustering algorithm identifies groups of related reports in our new explainer animation.
      3 месяцев назад , @jepcastel

      Inclusive Dermatology: Creating a Diverse Visual Atlas of Skin Conditions Mission: Our goal is to collect and share images of dermatological conditions in all skin types, with an emphasis on including those who have been traditionally excluded in medical education. We hope to create a database that celebrates inclusivity and reflects our diverse population, with the ultimate aim of advancing medical education and improving patient care for all and doing our part in beginning to correct these historical disparities and inequities in our field. Here in New Mexico specifically, we are so proud and honored to serve our unique population with its strong Hispanic/Latinx and Native American/American Indian/Indigenous communities among others. Background: Individuals of color and from underrepresented minorities are often marginalized and known to experience adverse health outcomes, in Dermatology and more broadly. There has traditionally been a deficiency in images and education in Dermatology depicting conditions in all skin types, with fair/white skin being represented as the “norm”. That means learners are typically taught how to recognize various skin condition presentations in fair/white skin only, and as they go on to provide care as physicians and allied health professionals, they are likely not providing the same quality care to patients of color. We are just starting to understand how these biases can affect patients in so many ways, and we at University of New Mexico (UNM) Dermatology want to do our part and contribute in repairing these structural deficiencies in Dermatology and medicine in general. Expanding the availability of images in varying skin types – Black, brown, white and in between - may help patients, learners and providers recognize skin conditions more readily and therefore be able to deliver more effective, high quality and safe patient care. We are proud to introduce this free resource accessible to any who may benefit. While we also know that there are several large initiatives ongoing at the national level, we aim to start local and highlight the inclusivity and equity for which our program and Department strives.
      3 месяцев назад , @jepcastel

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