
The role of research in institutional transformation

, , and . Transforming Higher Education through Technology-Enhanced Learning, Higher Education Academy, York, UK, (2009)


In the public statements of research-led universities the idea that there is a strong link between research and practice is either taken as axiomatic or, at the very least, as a goal to be achieved. However, there are those who argue that there is little connection between research and teaching, or that the relationship may actually be antagonistic, or that in the changing university we must face a more complex world with a range of kinds of research with different forms of relationship to teaching, and a variety of teaching paradigms implying different relationships between research and teaching (see for example the range of contributions in Barnett 2003). There have long been those who have pointed to the difficulty faced by academics in trying to maintain commitment to both teaching and research, seeing them as competitors for time and resource rather than as complementary aspects of scholarly endeavor (Fox 1992).

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