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    Thoughtsite is a discussions/forum app designed for Google App Engine. The main features of the app are: - a flexible system that could be used for any kind of a discussion forum. - voting, tagging, comments and a reputation point system for users. - full text search on App Engine with Apache Lucene. - search for threads by tags or by keywords. Threads can also be linked to from user profiles - users gain reputation points based on community votes for their contributions - full fledged user profiles with info, points, contributions, user's personal tag cloud, etc. - basic duplication detection filters to detect similar threads so posters can avoid creating a new thread if one already exists - basic spam and gaming filters (self-voting, cross-voting, etc.) - full-fledged admin section that allows moderation of individual posts and users. Users can flag objectionable content or trolls.
    14 years ago by @gresch
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