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    Education Cities – Vision An Education City perceives the education system as an essential instrument for a citywide development, and the city as a central instrument in the education system’s development. The city as one big school – An education city is a social educational network, a tangible network focused on the realization and development of both the individual and the city. The Narrative & the local language – An education city authors a Narrative and develops a Language and a local way of life, all of which is founded on local strengths and leverage future development avenues. Innovation – An education city is a central platform for linking the city to approaches of educational, urban and technological innovation, suited for the 21st century.  The art of collaborations – The process that takes place in an education city is dynamic and inspirational. Similarly to artwork, it weaves collaborations and gives rise to unique projects of the city’s people and various active organizations.  As a result, a city climate characterized by social, local and environmental responsibility is generated.
    12 years ago by @yish
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