What I usually do is, in Eclipse preferences, I define an Installed JRE called "JDK X.Y.Z" and include tools.jar as part of it libraries. Then I change the project preferences to use that JRE "JDK X.Y.Z".
If you are going to be preparing a trip to the gem of South Africa understood as Sun City, you just need to make the effort to select the finest places to see as well as where you will be remaining. Fortunately, there are all sorts of resorts and hotels that you can choose from as you try to find quality accommodation near Sun City so that you can be sure that you have just the very best. Known to many as the Las Vegas of the nation of South Africa, you are never ever going to have a dull moment when it pertains to all of the various activities and entertainment that this destination has to provide.
Launched in October 2006, STEREO traces the flow of energy and matter from the sun to Earth. It also provides unique and revolutionary views of the sun-Earth system. STEREO has given us the first view of the entire sun on February 6, 2011 and when coupled with SDO, will give us complete views of the sun's entire surface and atmosphere for the next 8 years.
Interactive 3D model of Solar System, Planets and Night Sky: "Welcome to Solar System Scope space traveller, SSS means Astronomy for Everybody. Whether you are a student, astronomy fan or an accidental browser, you are most welcome to play with our user-friendly application. It's full of space-art graphics, has easy-to-use interface with various settings and offers interesting information. SSS will illustrate you real-time celestial positions with planets and constellations moving over the night sky. But I can see you're not just a passive spectator - and that's good, because you can actively change parameters for a better understanding of happenings in our Solar System and the Universe." in www.solarsystemscope.com
@eufisica Thank you very much for RT. I share this from Universe Today http://t.co/gf1uP1H – ChiliDog Observatory (CCantuQ) http://twitter.com/CCantuQ/status/95262242865561600
Common Development and Distribution License (CDDL) Version 1.0. Millions of development hours worth of code and over 1,600 patents are being contributed to the open source community.
discuss how paintComponent can be overridden to customize the look of your components, and then we'll discuss a trick that uses paintChildren to paint custom content on top of the component and its children.
This page tests to see if the JVM is working on your computer. This test applet, written with Java technology, displays information about your operating system, the JVM and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
by: Joseph D. Mocker (Sun Microsystems, Inc.). Compilation of all the JVM options for various versions of the JVM on primarily SPARC/Solaris Platform. The descriptions for each option are taken mostly verbatim from the reference documents.
Josh Berkus is well known as a PostgreSQL hacker, but, as it happens, he also picked up some valuable experience during his stint at "The Laboratory for the Destruction of Communities," otherwise known as Sun Microsystems
It started with a question. It always does. This time, the question was simple: How much sunscreen should I wear?
I’m a pale geek who burns. I wanted to know the optimal. A simple question with a simple answer, right?
This simple question took me on a massive journey through the data, information myths and misinformation that surround our perception of sunscreen. I’m calling it the Sunscreen Smokescreen.
All our data, calculations and references here: http://www.bit.ly/sunscreensmoke
Rund ein Jahr nach Abschluss der Übernahme von Sun durch Oracle ist es Zeit für eine Zwischenbilanz. Das Ergebnis fällt ernüchternd aus, war jedoch zu erwarten. Denn das Geschäftsgebaren Oracles war hinreichend bekannt.
"For a high-performance and secure web infrastructure, start with the Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 server. With integrated on-chip 10GbE and cryptographic acceleration, the T5220 server can deliver safe transactions and a fast, reliable web experience to millions of users. "
Physical sun light This will model sun lighting from NASA measurements, including atmospheric absorption adjustable through the turbidity parameter. The size of the sun can be tweak from its reference size with the relsize (relative size) parameter. To get a correct effect, the Z axis must point above, the Y axis is north and X axis is east. Physical sky light The physical sky creates a lighting setup that simulates the light of the sun and atmosphere, based on the direction of a sun lamp in the scene and a parameter named turbidity which defines the clearness of the sky. Both the sun angle and the sky clearness influence the colour of the light. Additional parameters called aconst, bconst, cconst, dconst, econst allow you to fine tune the color of the sky to simulate various atmospheric conditions.
So, does anyone by chance know of a way I might be able to get to the OK prompt? Or of a way to reset all the OpenBoot variables to their defaults? Maybe a jumper to remove and replace? I'd rather not take the battery out (or something similar) to clear the memory like you would the BIOS of a PC.
At OSCON in 2006, I followed sessions that discussed how open source companies would fare when big corporations come in. Back then there were only a handful of examples of big companies purchasing small open source companies. Three years later, we've witnessed MySQL AB get swallowed by Sun, only to have Sun be swallowed by Oracle. Now there are...
Der Unix- und Serverspezialist, der demnächst von Oracle geschluckt wird, hat der US-Börsenaufsicht die Chronologie der Übernahme dargestellt. Demnach waren zwei weitere große Firmen interessiert - IBM und Hewlett-Packard.
Mit der Übernahme von Sun Microsystems bekommt Oracle alle Komponenten, um die kompletten IT-Bedürfnisse eines Unternehmens zu befriedigen. Einige Fragen, etwa zum Umgang mit Open-Source-Projekten, bleiben noch unbeantwortet.
Open source business models are good for vendors and customers alike, a Sun official said Wednesday, as Sun rolled out a new open source cloud environment.
This tutorial is a guide to developing enterprise applications for the JavaTM Platform, Enterprise Edition 5 (Java EE 5).
This preface contains information about and conventions for the entire Sun Java System Application Server documentation set.